The Wonder of Your Love - By Beth Wiseman Page 0,50

I plan to take a short trip to Florida.”

Katie Ann knew envy was a sin, but the emotion surfaced just the same, and she fought the memories of all the times Ivan promised to take her on a vacation there. “I think that’s wonderful.”

“It will seem strange, being away from the kinner. Even now, being here, I can’t help but worry about all of them.” He chuckled. “That was the one thing the Lord couldn’t have prepared me for with six children. No matter how old they get, I still worry.”

“I can understand that.”

Eli sat taller. “Do you have a phone?”

“I share the same phone that Samuel installed in the barn. We know lots of folks have cell phones these days or phone ringers in the haus, but I agreed with Lillian and Samuel that it’s best to keep the ringers out of the house, especially when Jonas is sleeping. And Lillian wants her kinner to grow up without the invasions of the outside world.”

“Can I call you sometimes?”

“I’d like that.” She twisted away from him toward the table by the couch, found her small pad of paper and a pen. She scribbled down the phone number and address and handed it to him.

“Could you take my phone number and address down, in case you or Jonas need anything? I’m going to get a cell phone soon so I can be in touch with my family when I’m on the road, but for now I have a phone in the barn.”

Katie Ann passed him the paper and pen. He handed it back to her with his phone number and address.

He glanced at the clock and grinned. “Time sure does fly when I’m with you. I guess I need to go.” He stood up, and Katie Ann did the same. “My bus leaves early in the morning, and I’ll have to catch a taxi ride to the bus station.”

Katie Ann couldn’t think of a single thing to say to get him to stay just a little longer, and she dreaded saying good-bye.

She followed him to the door and waited while he pulled on his long black overcoat and put on his black felt hat. When he was done, he just stared at her. She didn’t move, but as he inched closer her knees began to shake and her pulse quickened. He cupped her cheek.

“I’ve been dreading having to say good-bye to you,” he said.

His touch was unbearably tender, as was the sound of his voice, sending a warm shiver through her. As his lips slowly descended to her cheek, she felt both relief and disappointment, then he kissed her again, this time closer to her mouth, and when his lips brushed hers there was an intimacy that she knew she would recall for a long time, and she was going to savor every second.

After what seemed like a long while, he eased away, picked up her hand, and pressed a kiss into her palm. “Take care, my friend.”

Under any other circumstances, and with anyone else, it would have seemed a strange thing to say.

“You too.” She fought the tremble in her voice.“Safe travels.”

He smiled as he closed the door behind him.

Katie Ann watched Eli through the window as he walked down the driveway to go back to Vera and Elam’s, a light snow falling. She touched her lips and fought the urge to cry.

“Be blessed and safe, my friend,” she whispered as he disappeared into the darkness.


MIDDLEFIELD WELCOMED ELI BACK WITH SLIGHTLY warmer temperatures than he’d left in Colorado, but with snow just the same. He thanked the cabdriver, noticed all the buggies in front of his house, and wondered what was going on. Hurrying into the living room, he was surprised to see all five of his daughters inside.

“What in the world are all you maedels doing here?” He looked at each one of them. “And where are all my grandchildren?”

Hannah waved her hand in the air. “They’re with Laura Jane.”

“And why does she have all the kinner this fine afternoon?”

“Because we want to talk to you, Daed.” Ida Mae sat down on the couch next to Karen and Frieda. “Sit down and tell us all about your trip.”

Eli narrowed his brows. Something was up. His daughters all led busy lives, and he was going to see all of them here the very next day for Thanksgiving. “I could have told you all about it tomorrow, mei maedels.”

“We couldn’t wait!” Maureen was still standing, and she bounced on her toes Copyright 2016 - 2024