The Wonder of Your Love - By Beth Wiseman Page 0,49

a few moments Eli shrugged. “I don’t know. You were just looking at me like . . .” He shrugged again, then smiled.

“Never mind.”

Katie Ann felt comfortable sitting on the couch with Eli as orange sparks shimmied up the fireplace and shadows from the lanterns danced around the room. It took everything in her power not to move closer to him. If only she could lean her head on his chest, listen to his heart, and have him wrap his arms around her. That was all she needed.

She felt a wave of goose bumps run the length of her body when he grabbed her hand in his.

“Katie Ann . . .”

His smile was sensuous, and for a moment she wondered if his intentions would exceed her needs. She couldn’t allow him to kiss her again, but every part of her wanted him to. She swallowed hard as he finished his sentence.

“Meeting you has been the best part of my trip here.” He gently squeezed her hand.

She knew she was in a dangerous place, longing and desiring a man who wasn’t available, but it would be hard to say goodbye to him.

“I’ve enjoyed our time together,” she finally said. “Danki for taking me and Jonas on your sightseeing trips.”

He eased his hand away from hers, stroked his beard, and locked his eyes with hers. Katie Ann braced herself for whatever he was about to say. She took a deep breath.

“Katie Ann . . .”


“Are you hungry?”

She grinned, relieved, but slightly disappointed for some unknown reason. “I’m guessing you are, no?”

His smile broadened. “Maybe a sandwich?”

“I think I can do better than that. I have some leftover stew in the freezer that won’t take long to heat up.”

Eli rubbed his belly. “I can’t believe I didn’t eat it all when I was here before. Is it too much trouble?”

She stood up, a bit hungry herself. “Not at all. I’ll just run it under some warm water and put it on the burner to heat.”

“And I’ll keep our fire going.” Eli walked to the fireplace and glanced at the wood in the carrier. “Only one log left. I’ll go carry in some more.” He walked toward the door, and Katie Ann nodded as she moved toward the kitchen.

Twenty minutes later they were back on the couch with bowls of stew in their laps, both agreeing it was too cold to eat in the kitchen. Once they were done, the conversation turned to Katie Ann and Ivan, which wouldn’t have been her first choice, but she found herself confiding in Eli in a way that surprised her.

“I’m not shocked about Ivan buying a house and not telling Lucy.” She grimaced as she spoke. “Ivan was big on surprises, but also big on secrets.”

Eli twisted to face her. “Katie Ann, I am so sorry for everything you’ve been through.” He shook his head. “That’s just so wrong.”

She wasn’t seeking his pity, and she was starting to wish she hadn’t shared so much, so she shrugged. “All in God’s plan, I suppose.” She winced, as she could almost picture God staring down on her and shaking His head.

“I know it’s hard not to question the Lord’s plan for us when something so unforeseeable happens.” Eli’s brows narrowed as he sighed, and Katie Ann suspected he was referring to his wife’s death. Then his face brightened, and he locked eyes with her. “But I’m thankful that it was part of His plan for us to meet. I’m grateful for this new friendship.”

His presence gave her joy, even if she didn’t understand the Lord’s plan, or completely trust it. “Me too.”

Eli shifted his weight and crossed one ankle on his knee, his body still turned toward her. “Katie Ann . . .” He paused.

“I’d like to write to you. Would that be all right? I mean, I’d like to know how you and Jonas are doing.”

“I’d like that.” She playfully tapped him on the shoulder. “I want to hear all about your travels, the places you’ll see.”

He chuckled. “I know it’s strange for an Amish man to take on such excursions, but I still plan to work hard too.”

“You don’t need to justify your intentions to anyone except God. I think you’ve earned some time to yourself.”

“Danki for saying that.”

“Where will you go first?”

“Indiana. Jake’s wife, Laura Jane, has family there. They’ve invited me to stay with them, and I’ve never been to Indiana. Then I’ll go back home and ready my land for planting. And after that, Copyright 2016 - 2024