The Wonder of Your Love - By Beth Wiseman Page 0,36

thoughts were on something else. She waited until they were having coffee in the living room.

“What’s wrong, Martha?” Katie Ann held Jonas on her lap, rubbing his tummy the way Eli had shown her. Martha knew that she’d be praying every day she had left that Eli would step up to the plate and take care of Katie Ann and Jonas.

“I’m sick.”

Katie Ann looked up at her with fearful eyes. “What did the doctor say?”

“My cold was just a cold, but when they x-rayed my lungs, they found something else. I’ve got a tumor the size of a grapefruit in my belly.” She rolled her eyes. “And all this time, I just thought I was fat.”

Katie Ann put Jonas in his carrier, then edged closer to Martha with tears in her eyes.

Martha latched onto Katie Ann’s hand. “Now don’t you go falling apart.” Martha swiped at a tear that rolled down her own cheek. “Argh! I was determined not to cry.”

“Tell me what the doctor said.” Katie Ann pinched her trembling lips together.

“Well, apparently, the thing has to come out. I’m a goner for sure if I don’t have the operation. So that dumb doctor over in Alamosa referred me to a surgeon. That’s who I met with yesterday, and I’m having the surgery the week after Thanksgiving.” Now here was the hard part. “I likely won’t survive.”

Katie Ann pulled her hand from Martha’s and slapped it over her mouth.

“It doesn’t look good.” Martha shook her head. “And I’m so sorry to have to tell you this.” She reached for the envelope. “Here’s everything you’ll need to know about my business. I’ve left everything to you.”

“I don’t need that envelope,” Katie Ann said as she blinked back tears. “Because you are going to be just fine.”

Martha shrugged. “Maybe. But I doubt it.” She dropped the large manila envelope in Katie Ann’s lap. “So you just keep this.” She patted Katie Ann on the leg. “Now, now . . . no tears. You and Arnold introduced me to the Lord, and I’m in pretty good standing with Him, so I know where I’m going.”

“Don’t talk like that.” Katie Ann sniffled. “Have you told Arnold?”

Martha pointed a finger at her friend. “No, I haven’t. And don’t you tell him either. He’d feel obligated to come, and I don’t want that. If the man loved me enough, he would have already moved here to be with me.”

Katie Ann blew her nose, which was as red as Martha’s fingernail polish. “That’s not true. Arnold just said he wanted to get to know his relatives again. He’s invited you there several times and asked if he could come here. You always say no.”

“Because saying good-bye is just too hard.” She raised her chin. “I don’t want to talk about Arnold.” She cut her eyes at Katie Ann. “But you’d better not tell him about my diagnosis or I will be very upset with you.”

“I think he needs to know.”

“Katie Ann, do you hear me?” Martha raised her voice.


They were quiet for a few moments. Then Katie Ann reached for Martha’s hand and squeezed. “I will be there with you for everything.”

Martha returned the squeeze. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

They were quiet again, and Katie Ann fought tears. She knew she needed to be strong for Martha. In the past, Martha had been a hypochondriac, but Katie Ann always knew that her friend just sought attention and love. But this was different. If she was having surgery, her condition was serious, and the thought of anything happening to Martha terrified her.

“Eli is coming to fix my roof tomorrow night,” she finally said.

Martha smiled as she leaned over and pulled Jonas from his carrier. “Is he now?”

“Don’t presume anything, but I am making supper for him for his efforts.”

Martha rocked Jonas as she spoke. “Well, I’m not coming for supper tomorrow night, so the two of you can have some time alone together.”

Images of the kiss flashed through Katie Ann’s mind. “No, Martha. You must come.”


“But . . . I need you here. You’re here most nights for supper, and especially tomorrow night—”

“No. I’m not coming. I’m sick, Katie Ann. I can’t come over here every single night.”

Katie Ann frowned. “Are you sure you’re not just saying that so that I’ll be forced to be alone with Eli?”

Martha handed Jonas to Katie Ann and shook her head.

“It’s not all about you right now, Katie Ann. It’s about me. I’m sick.”

“Of course, I know that.” Katie Copyright 2016 - 2024