The Wonder of Your Love - By Beth Wiseman Page 0,35

and as much as he’d like to please his cousins, it probably wasn’t right not to be honest with them. “I suspect Katie Ann and I will be gut friends.” He eased closer to his cousin’s wife, lowered his gaze, and spoke firmly. “But nothing more.”

Vera scowled. “You never know, Eli.”

“Ya. I do know, Vera. Katie Ann is lovely, but she is a new mudder, and I’ve already done all that. I’m not going back there.” He waited for her to absorb what he was saying. “It might sound selfish, but I have a plan for the rest of my life, things I want to see and do. So I don’t want you to be thinking there will be a romance with me and Katie Ann.”

Guilt pinched at Eli’s heart as he wondered again if he was failing God.

Vera smiled. “Well, you just go ahead and make all the plans you want to. Sometimes God has His own plans in the works.” Then she winked at him and moved into the house.

Eli shook his head. Katie Ann deserved someone committed to the idea of marriage, not a man committed to his own pursuits. Then he thought about fixing Katie Ann’s leak tomorrow afternoon and having supper with her afterward. There was absolutely no reason why he and Katie Ann couldn’t be friends.

MARTHA PARKED HER car in front of Katie Ann’s house, then clopped across the snow, scowling. She was going to have to tell her friend about her surgery that was now scheduled for the week after Thanksgiving—in case she didn’t survive. She tucked the envelope closer to her chest as she moved up the steps.

“I was hoping I’d see you tonight.” Katie Ann was holding Jonas when she opened the door. Martha fought tears as she thought about not being able to see that little bundle grow into a man.

“I don’t like to miss a meal. What are we having?” Martha dropped her coat on the rack, glad to see there was a good fire going.


Martha sighed. It wasn’t her favorite, but it was food. “I’m not contagious, so let me have my precious baby.”

Katie Ann handed Jonas to her. “I made you some creamed celery. I’ll just go finish up in the kitchen.”

Creamed celery. Thank goodness. The meal has been saved. She sat on the couch with Jonas and leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. “I love you so much, my little man.” She dabbed at one eye, determined not to cry in front of Katie Ann. Her friend was going to take the news hard. “You always take care of your mama, you hear?”

Martha leaned against the back of the couch and pulled Jonas up on her chest. She loved the way the baby smelled, a combination of powder and Katie Ann’s homemade lavender soap. She held him close until Katie Ann walked back into the room.

“Supper’s ready.”

Martha did her best to eat Katie Ann’s meal, but her stomach was a mess. She’d wait until a bit later to talk to her friend. “How was your day with Eli?”

“It was nice. We saw the sand dunes, and they were amazing.”

Katie Ann’s smile told Martha how much she liked this Eli Detweiler. Martha grinned as she swallowed a spoonful of creamed celery.

“Don’t give me that look.”

“What look?”

“The one on your face. There will be no romance between me and Eli.”

“You are the one who is always telling me that God has His own plan, so don’t go planning your future just yet.” She pointed her fork at Katie Ann. “Now you tell me the truth, Katie Ann . . . Did you give Lucy Turner money?”

Katie Ann pulled her eyes from Martha’s and sighed. “It is none of your concern.”

Martha wanted to tell her that it was her business. She’d given Vera a box of money last year and told the woman to find someone who could use it. That was before Martha knew Katie Ann very well. Martha was glad that the money ultimately ended up with Katie Ann, but she sure didn’t want that trampy Lucy to have any of it.

“I knew you’d give her money,” Martha said before taking another bite of celery. “How much?”

“It doesn’t matter. Just enough for her to get by.”

Martha shook her head, then listened as Katie Ann told her a bizarre story about a house that Lucy thought Ivan bought. On another day Martha would have voiced her opinion about all of this much louder, but today her Copyright 2016 - 2024