Wolf Untamed (SWAT - Special Wolf Alpha Team #11) - Paige Tyler Page 0,56

he asked quietly, staring down at the floor and clutching the arms of the seat in a death grip, his heart picking up speed. “And is that kind of like being my new dad?”

Since becoming a werewolf, Diego had been shot, hit by a car, felled by a pallet load of drugs dropped on him, and kicked by a Texas longhorn. All of those events had hurt like hell, but none of them had left him as stunned and speechless as Brandon’s not-so-simple question. The alpha part was tough to answer, especially since he felt someone like Jayna would be a better choice for Brandon. But the second part about being his new dad? Holy crap, how was he supposed to reply to a question like that?

“Brandon, did something happen to make you ask that?”

The kid glanced at the bucket of popcorn Diego was still holding out to him, like he was wondering if he should grab a handful or not. “My father kind of ambushed Kevin and me outside the apartment complex today,” he finally murmured, still not looking at Diego.

“Did he hurt you?” Diego asked, gums and fingertips suddenly tingling. “Threaten you in any way?”

Brandon shook his head. “No, it wasn’t anything like that. He said he wanted to talk. I didn’t really want to hear what he had to say, but I didn’t know what else to do, so I hung around and listened.”

“I’m guessing he said something that bothered you,” Diego said, holding the bucket out until Brandon stuck a hand in and took some. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but if you need to talk about it, I’ll listen.”

Brandon seemed to consider that, then shrugged. It was a simple gesture, but Diego could sense the sudden relaxation in the kid’s lanky frame as he gave in to the need to talk to someone about what was bothering him.

“He said he wanted us to be a family again—like we used to be,” Brandon said softly. “That he was a better person now. That prison had made him better. He wanted me to talk to Mom and tell her I wanted us to be a family again. He said she’d go along with the idea if she thought that’s what I wanted.”

Brandon’s heart beat harder as he spoke, and his breath hitched several times, betraying how upset he was. But that was nothing compared to how pissed Diego was. That lying, manipulative asshole. Using a kid like that to get control over Bree, whom Diego knew wanted nothing to do with Dave anymore. It was messed up. It made him want to hunt the jerk down right now and thump the shit out of him.

But he took a deep breath and regained control over his inner werewolf, knowing he couldn’t give in to his instincts. Bree wouldn’t appreciate it, and it wouldn’t help the situation, or Brandon.

“Is that what you want?” Diego asked softly. “To get back together with your dad and be a family again?”

He expected Brandon to think about it, so he was surprised when the kid quickly shook his head. “No! I wish he’d just go away. I don’t need anyone like him in my life, and neither does Mom. We’re better off on our own.”

Maybe the kid hadn’t intended to shut him out, but still, it was nearly impossible to describe the pain that lanced through Diego at those words. Yeah, he’d only just met Bree and Brandon, but there was a part of him that had been hoping to get closer to them both. But if Brandon didn’t want that, Diego guessed he’d have to accept it.

“Is that the reason you asked about me becoming your alpha and whether that’s like being a dad? Because you’re worried I’m going to try and insert myself into your and your mom’s life like your dad is trying to do?”

Brandon lifted his head to look at him, his expression part surprised, part thoughtful. “It’s not like that,” he said, looking down at the floor again. “Actually, I was hoping you’d want to be in our lives so my dad would finally go away.”

The air left Diego’s lungs once again—for a different reason this time. He’d apparently read the situation all wrong.

“I want to be in your life, Brandon. And your mom’s, too. I care what happens to you both. It’s why I made the offer to teach you what you need to know to be a werewolf and why

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