Wolf Untamed (SWAT - Special Wolf Alpha Team #11) - Paige Tyler Page 0,57

I asked you guys to come to dinner and a movie tonight.”

Brandon’s brow furrowed. “So, you are going to be my alpha and take my dad’s place?”

Diego took a deep breath. “None of this is that simple. I’m not an expert on this alpha-beta bond, but from what I understand, it’s not like I have a lot of say in the matter. If we’re right for each other, I’ll end up as your alpha. If there’s another alpha out there who’s better for you, that’s who you’ll bond with. And as far as taking your dad’s place, that’s something I can never do.”

Brandon looked up sharply, hurt and pain written on his face.

“I didn’t mean I don’t want to be there for you, however you need me,” Diego quickly clarified. “But your dad is your dad. I can’t be him. I can only be me. You’ll have to figure out if that’s enough. Until then, if you need someone to talk to, I’ll always be there to listen.”

Brandon considered that for a while before giving him a slight smile. “I’d like that. Sometimes, it’s hard not to have someone to talk to. There’s stuff I can’t say to Mom—or Kevin.”

Diego nodded. “I get it. Everybody needs someone they can spill to. Somebody that won’t be upset, or take sides, or judge them. Someone who will listen.”

Brandon looked at Diego like he was a Jedi master—or a mind reader. “Yeah. Someone like that.”

He probably would have said more, but a couple with two small children came up the stairs. Diego immediately recognized the guy, even if he did look drastically different than he did at work.

“Diego Martinez. Long time, no see,” the tall, wiry dark-skinned guy said with a laugh, waiting for his wife and kids to find their seats a few rows ahead of Diego and Brandon before continuing up the steps to shake Diego’s hand. “Good to see you get a night off.”

“Every once in a while.” Diego chuckled, getting to his feet. “Nice to see they give you some time off every now and then yourself. Those two kids of yours are growing like weeds.”

Dion Harbin was one of the best undercover narcotics cops Diego had ever worked with. The guy had spent the better part of the past four years buried inside the largest street gang in the city. Diego didn’t know how his wife put up with it, especially with two little kids to take care of.

“Yeah, kids do have a habit of growing up fast.” Dion glanced at Brandon. “Speaking of kids, who’s this?”

“Dion, meet Brandon,” Diego said as they shook hands. “Brandon, his mom, and I are doing dinner and a movie.”

“Nice meeting you,” Dion told Brandon, then nodded at Diego. “Well, I’d better get back to my family. I’ll see you around.”

“Is that guy a cop?” Brandon asked curiously as Dion rejoined his wife and pair of giggling kids.

“Do you think he’s a cop?” Diego asked, scooping up a big handful of popcorn and dropping some in his mouth.

Brandon frowned as he thought about it. “I think he looks more like an accountant. Or maybe a librarian. Anything but a cop.”

Diego chuckled. Dion looked like a different person when he wasn’t undercover. That’s one of the things that made him so good at the job. “Sometimes the people who don’t look like cops make the best cops.”

Brandon seemed to consider that for a while, gazing at Dion and his family in between eating bites of popcorn. Diego found the silence more comfortable than he’d thought it would be. Just him and the kid sitting together, eating popcorn covered in loads of gooey butter.

“So, you and my mom,” Brandon said suddenly, turning to gaze at him questioningly. “If you aren’t trying to take my dad’s place with me, are you taking his place with her?”

Diego almost choked on his popcorn. He definitely hadn’t seen that one coming, which was why he had no idea what to say. Luckily, Bree chose that moment to show up. And damn, did she look mighty fine walking up the steps in the long, flowing flower-print skirt she’d worn tonight.

“Sorry that took so long,” she said when she sat down in between him and Brandon. “The company’s managers are losing their minds over the possibility that they might have to pay out on these two claims I’m working. I had to brief three different levels of management.”

Diego waved off her apology, thrilled she’d come and saved his ass when

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