Wolf Untamed (SWAT - Special Wolf Alpha Team #11) - Paige Tyler Page 0,102

her ex-husband outside Ken’s apartment. After that, everything was a blur. The mere thought of Dave had her heart pounding in fear. She was certain he was responsible for her being here, though she didn’t know how.

Why couldn’t she remember anything?

Turning back to the window, Bree studied the building across the street again, hoping it would help her figure out where she was. The structure was vaguely familiar, and it felt like she should know what it was. It probably would have helped if she could see more of the front of it, but from where she sat, all she could see was a parking lot to the left and a bit of green space surrounded by a security wall in the middle. The only interesting things were the roll-up doors along the back of the building and one serious-looking gate that guarded the closest opening in the security wall. Whatever was in that building, Bree figured it must be valuable.

That’s when it hit her. It was the Federal Reserve building, which meant the road below her had to be North Pearl Street. Now she knew where she was. That still didn’t explain how the hell she’d gotten here.

Noise from behind her made her jump, and she jerked her head around in an attempt to see what was going on. Her pulse beat faster at the hope maybe someone had found her. For a moment, she let herself believe it was Diego. That his werewolf nose and instincts had led him right to her.

Her heart plummeted when she saw Dave come into the room, leading an unresisting Brandon by the arm. Panic surged through her when she saw the blood smeared across her son’s forehead, little beads of it running down the bridge of his nose and one temple.

She fought against the tape holding her to the chair, struggled harder than she ever had, screaming into the gag the whole time, twisting and jerking in a crazy attempt to flip the chair over and reach her injured son.

“Cut it out,” Dave said in a casual tone as he pushed Brandon down into the other office chair and started strapping each wrist down to the arms of it with packaging tape. “There’s nothing wrong with him. Do you really think I’d hurt my own son?”

Bree replied to that inane question into the rag in her mouth, screaming so hard it felt like her throat was tearing. But Dave ignored her as he put all his attention into binding Brandon to the chair, wrapping extra loops around his ankles as if he was going to get up and run away, which was crazy considering the condition her son was in right then. From the blood on his head, the blank-eyed expression, and the zombie-like way his body went wherever Dave pushed it, it was obvious Brandon was dealing with a concussion—at the very minimum.

That was why she was so stunned to see the change that came over her son the moment Dave wiped the blood off his forehead. Brandon’s eyes cleared as he looked around the empty office in confusion, his whole body going rigid when he saw Bree. He shook his head violently, like he was trying to shake off a dream. Then he started to fight against the tape holding him to the chair, desperation clear in his eyes as he tried to shout something through the gag in his mouth.

“You can stop struggling, Brandon,” Dave said, moving the chair a little so he was partially facing her. “Neither of you will get loose until I cut you loose, and all the fighting will do is make it harder on you both. So, just stop.”

Bree would have kicked her ex in the balls right then if she could have gotten one of her legs free. Instead, she settled for staring at him, imagining all the different ways he could have suffered right then. She had a vision of a piano falling on him, which suggested that she might be losing her mind.

Dave ignored her death stare and moved over to a section of the window, leaning his head against the glass and staring down at the building across the street intently, like he was expecting something to happen. Bree finally paused for a moment to take a good look at the man who’d lost his mind and decided to kidnap them. He looked like crap.

As he stood there staring out the window, she noticed his hands and his forearms were

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