Wolf Untamed (SWAT - Special Wolf Alpha Team #11) - Paige Tyler Page 0,101

and Brandon.

“It gets so fuzzy from there,” Beth said, reaching up to wipe the tears from her cheek as more slid down her face. “He grabbed Brandon and I couldn’t do anything to stop him.” She gave them a pained look. “Why couldn’t I stop him?”

Diego put his hand on her shoulders again, giving them a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “Beth, I need you to focus on what else you heard. Did Dave say where he was going? Where he was taking Bree and Brandon?”

Beth gazed at him as if she had no idea what he was saying. Then an almost vacant look came across her features and he thought she might pass out.

“Dave said he was going to be rich and that he was going to leave the country and take Bree and Brandon with him,” she said softly, the words coming out as if she wasn’t sure they were right. “I tried to stand in his way, but he pushed me aside, saying he needed to hurry.”

“Why did he need to hurry?” Diego asked urgently, having visions of Dave hustling Beth and Brandon on a plane at that very moment. “Are they leaving right now?”

Beth looked confused again as she shook her head. “I don’t think so. He said he needs to get money first.”

“Where’s he getting the money from?” Trey asked, moving closer. “Did he say anything that would give us a clue? Or where Bree and Brandon would be while he got the money?”

Fresh tears rolled down Beth’s face. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.”

Diego patted her on the shoulder, telling her it would be okay though he knew it wouldn’t. His inner wolf wanted to rip Dave apart.

“He said he had to be there when it went down,” Kevin suddenly said from where he still sat on the couch. “That he couldn’t control so many people unless he was close enough to them.”

Diego opened his mouth to ask Kevin if he remembered anything else, but Trey’s phone rang, interrupting him.

Trey took out his cell, putting it to his ear as he walked into the kitchen. Diego was still trying to get Kevin to piece together what he remembered when his pack mate came back in.

“That was Gage. Someone is trying to rob the Federal Reserve. He wants us there ASAP.”

Hale looked at Diego. “What’s bigger than the Federal Reserve Bank?”

“And if Dave needs to be close to control whoever he has doing the job for him, that means he’ll be somewhere nearby.”

“Along with Bree and Brandon,” Diego said. Picking up his gun from where he’d dropped it earlier, he shoved it in his holster, then got to his feet. “Let’s go.”

* * *

The building across the street was a mismatched collection of glass and white stone structures of different heights that definitely shouldn’t have worked together, but somehow did. If Bree were the kind of person who was into architecture, she might say the place was beautiful. But she wasn’t, and she sure as heck wouldn’t have been gazing at the place right now if she wasn’t tied to an office chair with nowhere else to look than out the long row of plate-glass windows directly in front of her.

Bree looked around to either side of her, trying to figure out where she was. It didn’t help much since the only things she could see from her vantage point were a few empty desks, a dusty floor lamp, and another chair similar to the one she was tied to. From what she could piece together, she was in an empty office space, probably on the third or fourth floor based on the view she had out the window.

She yanked at the clear packing tape wrapped tightly around each wrist, twisting until she thought the stuff was going to cut off the blood flow. It was useless. She’d never break the stuff in a million years. She would have screamed for help, but there was a cloth gag in her mouth. No matter how hard she tried to yell, the sound came out muffled.

The worst part was she couldn’t really remember how she’d ended up bound and gagged, any more than she could remember ending up in this room. She had a few vague images bouncing around her head of being hustled into a car, then sitting there for a long time while it sped along the highway. But all of it seemed fuzzy, like maybe she’d dreamed it.

The only thing she remembered for sure was running into

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