The Wolf Prince - By Karen Whiddon Page 0,39

and nodded. “Yes, I think I will. Something tells me you can take care of yourself.”

Relieved, he gave her a half bow, using his hand in flourish. He still had difficulty realizing the handcuffs had disappeared. “Then, please, lead the way.”

When she smiled up at him, his heart skipped a beat. Unwillingly, he was reminded of how attracted he’d been to her when he’d first seen her at the ball. Was he still? He refused to allow himself to think about it.

“Let’s go.” Walking alongside her, he relaxed slightly as he took in the beautiful scenery. Here, he felt an amazing synergy between the earth and its inhabitants, as though Willow’s people didn’t rape the land and destroy nature for their own means as some humans did. His inner wolf approved. For a moment, the beast struggled to break free. Ruben subdued him with a promise of later. Soon.

Finally, they came up over a hill and a glittering golden castle came into sight. Even in the muted sunlight, the thing shone bright enough to hurt his eyes. Ruben couldn’t decide whether it was beautiful or too much.

She’d stopped and stood silently watching him, no doubt to gauge his reaction. When he didn’t comment, she began to move forward. “Most people around here like it. Personally, I think it’s gaudy and garish.”

Since her words so closely mirrored his own thoughts, he had to chuckle. “I didn’t want to offend you by saying anything.”

Her answering grin warmed his heart. “Don’t worry, you won’t. I should tell you, around here everyone is fond of glittery, loud and sparkly. Most times, so much gold gives me a headache.”

He found himself grinning back. “Me, too. I much prefer nature.”

Again she appeared startled, though he didn’t understand why.

As they approached the golden structure, Ruben braced himself for when the guards stopped them. To his surprise, they weren’t intercepted or even greeted. They proceeded into the castle unnoticed and unannounced.

Inside, everything—from the sparkling marble floor to the gilt-encrusted furnishings—carried over the bright golden theme. He even saw gold dust floating in the air.

They walked through a huge entryway, their footsteps echoing on the glittering floor. “This time of day, my parents hold court in the throne room,” she murmured. “We’ll go there and I’ll try to present you.”

Still no guards. He couldn’t figure out if her people were extremely trusting or foolish. Finally, they reached a set of double doors, both of which appeared to be painted in pure gold.

“Are you ready?” she asked. Her neutral voice gave nothing away. But then, why should it? They were both royalty. It wasn’t as if he’d never seen a throne room before.

He nodded and she pushed open the doors. Side by side they entered the room.

Instantly, Ruben realized this was nothing like home. Light reflected off every surface, so brilliant, so dazzling, the first impression brought pain. Too bright, in fact, the sharpness of it made him wish for sunglasses. Instead, he shaded his eyes and squinted as he looked around.

Where his family did not stand on ceremony, evidently here the king and queen did. Everyone wore formal attire, glittering gowns and equally dazzling suits. The court sat gathered around a raised dais that appeared to be made entirely from perfectly cut diamonds.

On the dais, two shining beings were seated on two equally glamorous thrones. Everyone watched as Willow led Ruben into the room. Temporarily blinded, he narrowed his eyes and struggled to see.

Willow dropped into a deep curtsy. “Mother, Father, may I present Prince Ruben of Teslinko?”

Still no one spoke. The king and queen eyed him with a regal intensity he would have been hard pressed to imitate. Though they possessed a beauty beyond words, he could tell from the disapproving set of their aquiline features that they found him utterly lacking. Too bad. He had more problems than pleasing them.

“I believe you have met my father,” Ruben said. “King Leo of Teslinko sends his regards.”

This seemed to do the trick. Though neither of the rulers moved, a subtle relaxing of the tension told him using his father’s name had helped him somewhat.

Queen Millicent smiled. “Give him our regards, as well. He is a good man.”

Ruben bowed his head. “I will.”

“What do you want with us, human?” King Puck asked, his expression less austere.

“He’s not—” Willow tried to interject. Ruben squeezed her wrist to silence her.

“I’m looking for a killer,” Ruben announced, making his own tone equally chilly. He could go with courtly B.S. or try the direct Copyright 2016 - 2024