The Wolf Prince - By Karen Whiddon Page 0,40

approach. Considering the contempt with which this king eyed him, he figured he didn’t have time to waste with hints and innuendos. “Someone from your kingdom traveled to my home and murdered one of my servants.”

The instant he finished speaking, the room erupted in chatter. The king silenced them all with a single wave of his hand, an impressive feat. “You are mistaken,” he said. “Our people do not kill.”

The arrogance of the statement was not lost on Ruben.

“I’ve seen him. He followed your daughter from this land to mine. I happened to be in the woods when he did so.”

“So? What proof do you have?”

“My mother saw him. She has described him perfectly, right down to the violet eyes. Only one people have such a physical trait. Therefore, I know he’s from here.”

Again the crowd began to whisper and gossip. Once more, the king waved them to silence. “Why should I believe you?”

Ruben fought the urge to roll his eyes. “Why would I lie? I have nothing to gain and everything to lose, traveling to your realm in search of a killer.”

The king frowned. “You say you’ve seen him?”

Ruben nodded.

“And would you recognize this man if you were to see him again?”

“Yes. I am sure of it.” And he was. Even though the other man had looked exactly like most of the men present—tall, blond, with piercing violet or purple eyes—Ruben felt certain he could recognize his features.

“I see.” Turning to the queen, the king spoke with her in a voice too low to be heard.

While he waited, Ruben realized how much this task meant to him. Not only would this search for the killer distract him from the approach of the madness he so greatly feared, but if he was successful, he might also succeed in banishing that completely. Here, he’d have no choice but to stay human.

Next to him, Ruben felt Willow tense. He glanced down at her to see why and realized her attention was fixed on a doorway midway between them and the throne.

Two people stood there, both elegantly beautiful, with shimmering blond hair and well-built physiques. After a quick glance at the man, Ruben’s gaze was drawn to the female, the most amazing-looking woman he’d ever seen. With her lush figure draped in a bright red dress that wrapped around her like a caress, perfectly showcasing her curvy figure, she actually glowed with beauty. If that weren’t enough, the exotic tilt to her violet eyes and her plump, bow-shaped lips completed the package.

Dazedly, he thought if Hollywood ever saw her, she’d be an instant sensation. No movie star or model could even hope to hold a candle to her.

“My sister, Tatiana,” Willow drawled in a low voice. “And her fiancé, Prince Eric.”

Though he nodded, he couldn’t tear his gaze away from them long enough to respond.

As they advanced into the room, Ruben noticed an instant softening in both the king and queen. In contrast, Willow gripped his arm hard enough to draw his attention back to her.

“My darling,” the queen all but cooed. “Come, join us.” She held out one slender, regal hand, one side of her scarlet mouth turning up in a mocking smile. “Look at what your sister has done now.”

Tatiana’s tinkling laugh drifted through the room, making everyone smile in response. Everyone, that is, except Willow. She seemed resigned and apprehensive, an interesting combination. The undercurrents he sensed here would put his own royal court to shame.

Flanked by the tall blond man, Tatiana drifted closer in a cloud of exotic scent. His wolf twitched away from it, finding it distasteful. Part of Ruben agreed. The other part of him wanted to reach and touch her to make sure she was real.

“What have we here?” she purred, barely glancing at Willow as her bright purple gaze undressed him. Though she was undeniably gorgeous, Ruben knew her type. Man-eater, he thought. He’d do well to steer clear of this one.

Still eyeing him, Tatiana lifted one golden brow at her sister. “Willow, wherever did you find him? And tell me, dear sister,” she said as she leaned close, her smile seeming almost a snarl up close, “when did you start associating with humans?”

Ruben’s inner wolf growled. It took every ounce of willpower he possessed to keep from recoiling from her.

Willow straightened. She drew herself up to her full height which was, unfortunately, at least six inches shorter than her sister. “He’s here for a reason.” She pitched her voice loud enough to carry. “And Copyright 2016 - 2024