Witchling Academy - Avery Song Page 0,84

expensive-looking. Blonde hair, blue eyes, has a slight Russian accent. I think it was Russian."

Oh no. Don't tell me she's the chick from Dubai.

"What's the problem though?" Mia asked.

"They're arguing up a storm in the hall. Something about betrayal and the blonde was calling Elisha a handicapped bitch."

We all cringed at the insult before I looked nervously at the girls. "Can you guys handle taking over practice? I should deal with this before it gets messy."

"We’ve got it," they said in unison.

"Thanks," I declared and quickly switched out of my shoes. "Alice. Let's walk and talk," I encouraged.

"Okay." She quickly followed me while she continued to explain. "The second problem is Connor."

"What about Connor?" I asked as my heart spiked up at the mention of him.

"Um..." Alice paused as we reached the doors of the school, and she quickly caught my hand and brought me right over to a quiet spot next to the wall.

"Alice? What's wrong?"

"There's a man with the blonde chick and they were confronting Connor before Elisha arrived." Her voice was low, and her eyes projected how serious this was. "The problem is, the man looked like Connor. Maybe a little shorter, but he looked filthy rich. I don't know much about clothing in this universe, but designer is easy to point out. He had some sort of document in his hand and was threatening Connor if he didn't have the money to pay for whatever he was asking, he'd have no choice but go along with what he was requesting."

My eyes went wide before I mentally cursed.

The trip.

"Where's Connor?"

"He went into the locker room. They're in the hallway where the camera is kinda funky. I heard Elisha commenting on it before they started to argue. I was the only one in the classroom down the hall and I went out of the window to come to get you. I have no clue if they're still there, but he said Connor had fifteen minutes to make a decision or there'll be consequences."

"How long ago was that?"

"Five minutes max?"

"Got it," I replied. "Which classroom did you come from?"


"Perfect," I whispered while my brain went into overdrive. "I need you to call this number."

I pulled out my phone and showed it to her. "Can you tell them Connor is in trouble and your calling on Brianne's behalf? Tell her I'll handle it, but if she could get here ASAP, it would be helpful."

"Alright. I'll do it now."

I gave her my phone, which left her confused. "Why are you giving me your phone? What if she needs it to track you?"

"I know she may need it to track me," I pointed out as I took the hair ties out of my hair, loosening my orange-gold strands. "Chances are, they chose that hallway on purpose, meaning if that woman uses a teleportation spell to try and enter, it may get her stuck in there. The camera doesn't work in that hall and hasn't been fixed, meaning anything that happens won't be recorded, and we can't have that happening. At least if she comes towards the hall, we'll be able to track her movements from when she goes through the school."

"You want to leave a trail," the man standing next to Alice confirmed.

"Yes," I concluded.

"You want us to lead the way?" Alice clarified.

"Are you able to?" I inquired.

"I memorized the map of the school for investigation purposes." Alice winked. "Solving crazy shit like this is our daily mission back home. We’ve got this. Contact this woman, meet her here, and make a trail. Any time limit for us?"

"Come after the ten minutes," I declared and turned around. "More than enough time to do what I need to do."

"Got it!"

"Thanks, Alice. I appreciate your help."

"That's what sisters do," she declared and then cringed. "Wow. That sounds cheesy as hell."

I actually laughed even though I felt like a ball of nerves. "Cheesy but accurate," I said with a smile. "I know we haven't had any time to hang out, but we'll have to make time before you return to your universe."

"Indeed," she declared. "Go help your man. I'll make sure to input my number on your phone so we can text more often."

"Okay," I replied and began to run around the building to where I knew that specific classroom was located. I wasn't going to enter through there, but it gave me the idea of which men's changing room they would be standing in front of.

That ass of a father. How can he go

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