Witchling Academy - Avery Song Page 0,83

we decided to continue our education further there was a place we could do that together. Or at least figure out what our next steps were that didn't involve us being separated.

Adding the fact that we still wanted to discover more about being demigods and what all of that would entail for our future, the next weeks ahead would be the most difficult we'd faced.

All in hopes of molding the path to our foreseeable future.

"We'll just have to wait it out and see if they decided to move things around," I finally answered as I turned my attention back to them. "How's everything been with you guys? We barely get to see each other unless it's student council stuff."

"Ugh," they both groaned.

"I haven't had sex in four weeks! FOUR!" Miya declared and lifted her hand to display her four fingers.

"You're not the type to complain over no sex." Mia laughed and smiled with pride. "We make time, as in we had sex in the school closet the other day."

"What?!" we both exclaimed and looked at her sly smile.

"Didn't anyone see you?" I asked.

"Nope. The camera down that hall is funky," Mia admitted.

"Mia," Miya groaned. "You were supposed to FIX that camera. Not leave it so you could have fun in the janitor's closet."

"True, but I couldn't help it! I'd be a crazy bitch if I didn't have sex for so long. I can't wait for the holidays so we can just stay indoors and make love all day and night."

"That sounds exhausting," Miya complained. "What about food?"

"Delivery." Mia shrugged. "They enter your house and leave it wherever you need it to be left."

"I have trust issues with that," I commented, which made them laugh.

"Bri would forget they were even coming and start screaming that there's a stranger in the house," Mia teased.

"Then she'd get Fuwa to zap them, or better yet, Elsa would attack them with her cuteness," Miya declared.

"The cuteness overload can kill," Mia hummed and looked back at me. "Where are your familiars lately?"

"Fuwa likes to stick around with Elsa and Luna at the dorms. We've been so busy with life that we've yet to even train them. I'm getting a little anxious about it because it's not like I don't want to train them. Just no time," I confessed with a frown.

"You'll get time," Mia reasoned. "It's just this year that's a bit chaotic, but after we graduate, we'll have all the time."

"Exactly!" Miya added.

"Aren't you guys nervous about what's to come?" I quietly asked. "You know? Decisions of where you're going to go next. Are you guys even staying here?"

"Well, we technically may have to go back if our visas expire again," Mia admitted while looking at her twin. "But Professor Phoenix said she's going to vouch for us to try and get us permanent residency here."

"Really?" That made my heart swell with hope at the idea of them staying permanently.

"Mhm." Miya nodded. "Our grades have been really good, and we've been doing our part in the other department," she said, hinting at the demigod part. "As long as we have representation, it should be fine."

"Hmm?" Mia caught our attention as she looked to my left. "What's Alice doing here?"

"Huh?" Miya and I said in unison before we followed her gaze. Alice was coming our way, and a tall man was with her. His hair was up in a ponytail, and he wore a white sweater with white joggers. I knew it was fall time, but it wasn't cold enough to wear such attire. It could have been why he stood out like a sore thumb, but from Alice's worried expression, I knew that wasn't our priority anymore.

"Alice?" I questioned and met her the rest of the way. Miya and Mia remained behind, cueing the team to take a five-minute stretch break before we'd jump into one of the routines.

They were back by my side as Alice arrived and took a moment to catch her breath.

"What's wrong, Alice?" I asked and looked at the tall man. He merely nodded his head in greeting before looking away.

"Um...a few things," she announced. "There's a girl in a wheelchair causing trouble with some blonde chick in the hall."

"Huh?" all three of us replied and I stood, following up with, "Is the girl in the wheelchair named Elisha?"

"Oh." Alice blinked and quickly nodded. "Ya! That's what the blonde girl was saying."

"Who's the blonde chick?" Miya pondered.

"I don't think she goes here," Alice stressed. "She was in some outfit. Fancy and

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