Witchling Academy - Avery Song Page 0,17

a familiar."

"Then..." Brianne paused as she bit her lip while her eyes looked at Elsa, who was still happily playing with Luna. "What does the soul do the entire time? Let's just say it took us one hundred years, for example, to be reincarnated and for her to be summoned to be my familiar. What would she do all that while?"

"She existed in a world of darkness," Fuwa revealed. "There's a difference between a soul waiting to be a familiar and, like in Elsa's case, waiting for a specific individual. Souls who wait to become familiars join a place where multiple souls live. It's not a place where those souls communicate and mingle like humans, mages, or even gods, but they feel the presence of their own and that gives them a sense of peace and contentment until they're ready to be called into the world of familiars. When a single soul decides to embark on the journey of waiting for their previous parents to be reborn, they're left in a world of darkness. They float in that realm in wait of their mother's magic to summon them. Even if the chances are that their father may be reincarnated, it's the mother's energy they need to be retrieved and given another chance at life. The spark they feel when their mother begins to use magic is a sort of encouragement to the unborn child’s soul that their wait is soon over. Once they're summoned as a familiar, they'll remain with their mother or in this case, Mistress, until the time comes for their Mistress to try and conceive. However, if the Mistress isn't connected with the reincarnated father of that child's soul, they'll merely remain as a familiar."

"Meaning...if I had never met Jax and somehow summoned Elsa, she would remain a familiar," Brianne whispered.

"Yes," Fuwa replied.

"So this entire time she waited on the 0.01% chance that we'd both be reincarnated, that Brianne would be strong enough to summon her as a familiar, and that the two of us would eventually marry and aim to have a child. Only then would she be given the chance of being born as a witch and eventually a demigod."

"Precisely," Fuwa declared. "She’ll most likely be a demigod by the time you two have her, but that's another complicated topic. Nevertheless, she took the very tiny chance in hopes all of this would play out in her favor. If it didn't, she'd remain in the dark void for all eternity."

"All...eternity?" I almost choked on my saliva at the idea.

"If you reject to ascend and the individual you're waiting for ascends for judgment, you're left in darkness for all eternity," Fuwa emphasized. "There's no exchange without sacrifice, no matter if it's the particles of magic we obtain from the Universe or the water and food we eat from Mother Nature. The soul sacrifices the opportunity of claiming eternal peace for the chance at life once again, which is why they remain in darkness all by themselves. It's something frowned upon, but at the same time, it's so rare because unborn children are innocent souls who normally don't have the capability of making such a risky decision. However, Elsa was one of the very few who was strong enough as a mere soul to take that chance, which was very brave of her. I'm not sure how many years she'd been floating in that void of darkness waiting for you, but she's definitely happy that she took the chance."

I swallowed the lump in my throat as my gaze lowered to Elsa.

She paused when it seemed as though everyone was staring at her before she ran closer to sit at our feet.

"MewMew?" She tilted her head while her big pink eyes glittered with love and admiration.

I noticed Fuwa blink a few times before he took a deep breath and let it all out.

"Elsa says she's happy with her decision. She'd do it again if she had to."

I looked over at Brianne to see the flow of tears running down her cheeks as she stared at Elsa.

"Brianne," I whispered and unhooked our hands to wrap one around her shoulder and pull her close. She couldn't say a word, but she offered her hands out for the cute little familiar, who ran right into her offered hands.

Bri lifted her up and pressed her against her chest as she whispered, "Thank you. Thank you for waiting for us."

She began to sob and I didn't fight my own tears that rolled down

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