Witchling Academy - Avery Song Page 0,16

Elsa, I offered it to him.

"I want to know," I whispered.

"Then let's hear about it together," he whispered and placed his hand in mine. We held each other firmly before turning our attention to Professor Phoenix and Fuwa, who nodded.

"Let's begin," Professor Phoenix announced.

A Call To Be Ours And What Now?


* * *

"How is it possible that Elsa is our child?" Brianne asked as she lowered Elsa to the bed. Elsa hopped over Brianne's crossed legs to playfully tackle Luna, who merely lay down to let the little ball of fur do her worst.

Brianne's hand was squeezing mine tightly, and I'm sure her heart was beating as fast as mine. This was a revelation neither of us were prepared for, and the mere idea of Elsa being our child seemed impossible.

Our child...the one we...lost.

The tiny flickering memory made my stomach flip, while an unsettling emotion rose within me. That darkness had come out to play a few times in Brianne's presence, but it felt more intrigued by the new circumstance than anything else.

Professor Phoenix leaned against the wall once more before she began to tell us what we craved to hear.

"From what we explained to you before, when Bri died in Jaxson's arms, he realized she was pregnant. Obviously, her death would soon lead to the end of their child. However, the soul of that child never ascended."

My shock was apparent as my jaw dropped, my mind immediately swirling at what she'd just delivered.

Didn't ascend. What does that mean? When our child died...she just stayed somewhere? Here? There...where?

"We're not following," Brianne decided to speak for the both of us. "What do you mean she never ascended? Where would her soul go then?"

Fuwa frowned before letting out a sigh. "I need to be in my older form to talk about this," he admitted. "Brianne? Is that okay?"

"I'll be fine," she reasoned and gave a firm nod. "This is important."

He gave a firm bob of his head before his body was engulfed in light and there he was, again in his adult form with his arms crossed.

"I'm explaining this instead of Professor Phoenix because I'm able to in this form versus my familiar version," he confessed. "You're aware that speaking of stuff that shouldn't be spoken of regarding mortals or demigods causes adverse effects like headaches and such, correct?"

We both nodded, and I recalled that at certain points Brianne's sister would complain about a headache during some conversations.

"Same applies in this case, and we'd like Professor Phoenix to keep maintaining the time stop, so I'll take over the conversation."

"As if I can't join in from time to time," Professor Phoenix muttered, which made Brianne smirk.

"Thank you, Professor Phoenix."

I'm sure she wanted to show our appreciation for what she was doing for us. She didn't need to give us this privilege, but she did and we were already grateful for the chance to hear the truth involving Elsa.

"When a child perishes before birth, there are essentially three options they can take. The majority of the time, the soul ascends back to where they were sent from. A child of the gods returns back to its family, and it would be obvious that they were unable to complete what they were sent down to do. They can decide whether to try again or give up and remain in the lands of the gods. The second option is to become a familiar and be summoned by someone who has similar magical traits. The last option is the rarest and most risky option."

He paused to make sure we were following before carrying on.

"The unborn child's soul waits for their parents, particularly the mother, to be reborn once again. Reincarnation is something that obviously happens, but it's specific to certain individuals. Not everyone gets reincarnated when their deaths are not their destined ends or manipulation is involved. The two of you were reincarnated for a reason, but it took many, many years for both of you to be reborn again. Obviously Jax was reincarnated before Brianne. Therefore, your unborn child would have sensed their mother's magic first once the flow of energy is pushed into the universal plane."

"Does that mean that once Brianne started using magic our child sensed she was alive?" I asked.

"Yes," he confirmed. "However, the wait still wasn't done. She would have to wait until Brianne desperately needed her, which would trigger a part of her magic that would urge the need for a familiar. When that occurred, that's when Elsa was born as

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