Winning my Best Friend's Girl - Piper Rayne Page 0,72

reason he knows that is because he asked me for a breakfast date, and I told him I don’t eat it.”

“Well, that makes me want to maul you. I feared it was something else.”

“I never slept with him,” she says, her voice serious. “I never slept with Owen either.”

My eyes widen and I tilt my head. She and Owen dated for a while and he always made it sound like they did. “You didn’t?”

She shakes her head. “I went to college a virgin.”


She bites her bottom lip.

“Well damn, I’m not sure you should’ve told me that.” I squeeze her hips.


“Because I feel like a fucking X-Man or a superhero who just got the opportunity so many before haven’t.” Fuck, that came out wrong. “I mean—”

“Was this a competition to see who could win me?” Her voice is low and unsure. She uncrosses her legs, letting them drop down over the edge of the counter as if she’s ready to bolt.

“No… yes. It was, but I didn’t want a damn trophy. You’re not the trophy.” I put my arms around her and bring her to the edge of the counter. Thankfully, she lets me. “You’re like the treasure chest at the end of a long, torturous journey. The one thing I wanted for so long and now I finally have it.”

“Maybe you’ll get sick of me.”

I put my finger under her chin and raise her face to meet my eyes. “Never. If anything, I worry I’m going to suffocate you.”

“Well, great. We’re not even together a day and we both have concerns.” I chuckle and lean in to place a chaste kiss on her lips. “I’ll prove to you that you’re not just some prize to win. To me, you’re like that stuffed animal kids don’t ever part with. The one they keep forever even after it’s been sewn back together a million times and one eye is missing.”

I lean forward to kiss her, but she puts her hand in front of my face. “Did you just compare me to a ratty old stuffed animal?”

“In a good way though.” I chuckle.

“Not really.”

I shrug. “You see what I was getting at.”

“No.” She shakes her head and is silent for a beat. “Kingston, have you considered what it might mean that we’re an interracial couple?”

I run my thumb across her cheek and frown. “I don’t care if some people have a problem with it.”

“Some people might have enough of a problem with it to be vocal about it. Maybe not in Lake Starlight where everyone knows us, but certainly elsewhere. Are you ready for that?”

“I’m ready for anything as long as it means I’m with you.”

She places her hand on my chest. “I’m serious. It won’t be easy for us.”

I hold her gaze. “I know. But we will be stronger for it. We can work through anything that comes our way. All we have to do is be honest with one another and push back against the haters.”

“You sure you’re up for it?” she asks.

“Stella, I told you. I’m in. One hundred percent.” Smiling, I pull open the tie of her robe, exposing her. “I think I have to cherish your body to prove my point.”

“Do you now?” She doesn’t attempt to cover up.

My thumb slides down her center and I’m about to feast on her breasts when we hear the front door open.

“Whoa, babe, wait until you see this.”

Denver. I told him and Cleo they could come up for a night. Shit. I completely forgot.

My forehead falls to her flat stomach, but she bolts up, pushing me to the other side of the kitchen. My back hits a knob and I go down to the floor in a heap while she ties her robe around herself and jumps down from the counter.

“I think we’re interrupting something,” Cleo says.

“Why?” Denver asks.

“Oh, I don’t know, but unless you did these rose petals and candles for me, this is for someone else.”

“Yeah, I did it and the fuckers didn’t turn the candles on. Here, let me pick you up.”

I shake my head at Denver.

“You’re such a liar.” Cleo walks into the main room and finds us, her eyes widening at my bare chest and Stella in a robe. “Oh crap. We’ll go.”

Denver joins Cleo, putting his arm around her waist. “Go? I’m not going anywhere.” He grins and looks from Stella to me and back. “Well, it’s about fucking time.” He beelines it over to Stella, picking her up and hugging her. “Welcome to the Copyright 2016 - 2024