Winning my Best Friend's Girl - Piper Rayne Page 0,37

Her words trail off when a black truck rounds the corner, passing us and heading farther up the hill. The firefighter sticker on display in the rear window catches my eye. I know that truck.

“You’re kidding me? Is this the reason you were so insistent about driving? Hell, Allie, I can’t spend the weekend with Kingston in a cabin in the mountains.”

She bites her lip and puts the car in gear.

“No!” I screech, my hand landing on her leg. “Turn around.”

My breathing labors for a minute and I inhale deeply, letting the air stream out slowly since my body feels so out of control.

“Don’t be silly. I have your back.” She drives up the hill, following Kingston’s truck.

“Does he even know I’m coming?”

She shrugs. “I’m not sure. Lou was bothering me the other day at the nurses’ station because he said Tank found someone to take the last spot but was keeping it from him. They all love to keep secrets from Lou, so he doesn’t even know Kingston’s coming. I told Lou you were coming, but if that got back to Kingston, I don’t think he would’ve joined.” She shrugs again. “But I could be wrong. Your relationship with Kingston is already causing drama like we’re in junior high.”

“Me?” I scoff. “How about the fact that you all are purposely keeping things from Lou? Childish much?”

“Keeping a secret from Lou is like when you had a younger sibling and they wanted to hang out with you and you kept telling them no. Lou gets himself so worked up that it’s funny to watch. You just don’t want to tell him.”

I shake my head. The fire guys I get—the jokes and razzing that goes on when a bunch of men are thrown together—but the fact Allie went in on it too? I’m surprised.

She pulls into the driveway. Kingston’s truck is parked already, Lou’s truck right next to his. It feels like history is about to repeat itself all over again and nausea swims in my gut.

“How did I get myself into this situation?”

She pats me on the back and turns off the ignition. “We got this. I’ll be your bodyguard.”

“You did this all because you wanted to make sure I came?” I ask her once we reach the back of the SUV and she opens it.

“Yep.” She leans her hip on the back. “I like you, and I feel like we could be great friends. No? Am I being too clingy?”

I can’t help but chuckle. She’s so open, how could anyone not love her? “No, I feel the same about our friendship. But I don’t want to play games and I don’t want everyone up in my business. Next time, you tell me.” I point at her and widen my eyes.

She hugs me and leans in to grab her bag.

“Allie!” Kingston yells, and we both look over to find him jogging down the stairs. He’s wearing jeans, boots, and a heavy jacket and looks like he should be in an Outdoorsman catalog.

When he spots me, he stops short, one foot slipping out from under him, and he slides down three of the steps before hitting the bottom where he masterfully recovers. Only Kingston could manage to make me swoon with a fall.

“Shit, Stella.” He runs his hand through his dark hair. “How did…” He looks behind him. “Does Lou know you’re coming?”

I nod. “Yeah. He never told you?”

“Well, in truth, he didn’t know I was coming.” He heads over to his truck. “He’s already in the hot tub, so I snuck in and out of the house.” He lifts two cases of beer out of the bed of his truck. “Come on, you guys are gonna love it here.”

How can he act so unfazed when I’m about to throw up all over the driveway?

“Is Samantha part of this too?” I ask Allie once Kingston disappears into the house.

She nods, lips pressed together. “Yeah.”

“Oh, Allie.” I shake my head. I don’t know what Samantha and Kingston have going on, but I better prepare myself to find out.

She swings her arm around my shoulders. “This is going to be fun. F.U.N. Fun. Look, Kingston wasn’t fazed in the slightest that you were here.”

“He fell down three stairs,” I deadpan.

She laughs. “Oh, don’t get a big ego. He probably just slipped.” But the look she gives me spurs laughter out of both of us. “We’re not in Lake Starlight anymore, Stella.”

“Cute,” I say, and we climb the stairs.

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