Winning my Best Friend's Girl - Piper Rayne Page 0,36


Tank shrugs. “Because it’s fun. He gets so uptight when he’s in the dark.”

I shake my head and chuckle because he’s right. I stand from the table. “See you guys later.”

Stump points his stubby finger my way. “Don’t be a dick and say anything either.”

I hold up my hands. “I’m gonna plead the Fifth.”

Leaving the kitchen, I head out to the ambulance. Lou’s face is red as he starts the bus. I can see why they think it’s funny.



“You do understand we’re in the mountains and it just snowed this morning, right?” I grip the holy shit handle above my head in Allie’s SUV.

“Relax, I was born and raised in Alaska. I know how to drive. Plus, the snow’s already melting.” She takes a bite of the burrito she picked up when we stopped for gas. “We’re going to have so much fun! Are you a stay in and read a book girl or do you ski?”

I glance into the back since it should be obvious because I brought my skis. “I ski, but reading isn’t so bad either. I’ll probably do both.”

She nods, swallowing another bite of her burrito. “And your plans with Lou? He was on the schedule for coming up this weekend.”

“Isn’t everyone?” I haven’t seen the schedule yet because I joined at the last minute and the person in charge put in my email wrong. Who spells Stella with one l? Allie said she’ll straighten it all out today. Luckily, she’s kept me in the loop, so it hasn’t mattered.

“Yeah. I think everyone took off the first weekend so they could come up, but from here, it’ll be scattered. I’m hoping for at least one day up here by myself.” She crumples her wrapper and tosses it into the back seat of her car.

My eyes follow the wrapper to see it land among a sea of empty food bags. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but do you live in your car?”

She pushes me with her hand and I laugh, my body swaying toward the window. “Stop avoiding the question. What are your plans with Lou?”

“I’m not sure yet. You and I are sharing a bedroom, right?”

She nods. “Yep.”

“I guess I’ll just take it as it comes.”

“Okay, let me ask it this way.” She puts a bottle of soda between her legs to open it up. I pick it up and open it for her. “Thanks.”

“Just ask me if you need help. I’m your navigator.”

She shakes her head and playfully rolls her eyes. “Again with changing the subject. What I want to know is, do you have feelings for Lou?”

Do I? He’s a nice guy, attractive, funny. But he’s not Kingston. He doesn’t make my body buzz whenever I’m near him. When Kingston touches me, shivers cascade across my skin. And none of that is Lou’s fault or within his control.

“Things with Lou are nice, I enjoy spending time with him, but I can’t put him in the middle of Kingston and me.”

“You’re not with Kingston.”

Her words feel like a slap in the face, regardless of their truth. “Still, I think I have to have the friends talk with Lou again. Especially since we might end up at this house together. Even though I explained the situation, he’s still pretty flirty with me and I get the feeling he thinks I’m going to cave and change my mind at some point.”

“Okay. We’re about one mile up that hill.” She pulls over to the side of the road and looks at me, appearing panicked as if something’s wrong.

“What are you doing? You can’t just pull over on the side of a mountain road! Allie?”

She places her hand on my knee. “There’s something I’ve been hiding and I’m really sorry, but I didn’t want you to bail.”

“What?” I glance through the rear window, hoping not to see a semi-truck barreling toward our backside. “Can we please discuss in the driveway of the house?”

“Um… don’t be mad, okay?” She presses her lips together.

“Allie?” The little time I’ve known Allie, I’ve never known her to overstep. She doesn’t seem to be mean-spirited, but my stomach flips like a pancake on the griddle anyway.

“And remember, you’re here for me. That’s what sold you—wine nights and relaxation. To get away from the stress of your job and the situation with your mom.”

And Kingston.

“Okay, okay, sure.” My heart races every time her small SUV shakes on the shoulder when a car passes us. “Can we move this along?”

“Well, you took one spot and…” Copyright 2016 - 2024