The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,73

in a situation like this.

The noose was tightening. It was ride or die.

She chose to ride.

She clambered toward Sebastian, the water slowing her pace down to a crawl. Reaching him, she forced her way onto his back in one of the most ungraceful mounts she'd ever attempted. He barely let her settle before he reared, his front hooves punching through the chest of another of the water creatures.

His muscles bunched under Eva as they launched into the air, fierce satisfaction coursing through them both as they left everyone, even the people she’d planned to save, behind.


Wind rushed past Eva, tugging on her braid and whipping stray pieces of hair into her face. Sebastian fought for height as they bolted into the sky, leaving the cacophony of battle behind.

Eva chanced a glance at the rapidly retreating ground. That was a mistake, she decided as she hid her face against Sebastian's neck. It was so far away and she was entirely too high up.

The conversation she had with Fiona earlier that evening, well yesterday now, came back to her with a hurry. Falling from this height would turn her to mush. There would be no last-minute saves, no surviving. Just a gut-churning trip down with an abrupt ending.

The quick glance did tell her one thing. They were leaving the rest behind at a rapid pace.

"Sebastian, stop. We have to go back. We can't leave them to die." The wind stole Eva’s words as the Kyren continued to wing his way into the night sky.

She leaned forward, doing something she'd never tried before. She pushed her emotions out, hoping and praying they'd somehow reach Sebastian.

He shook his head even as he cut through the air, his legs moving as if he was galloping across the sky.

For a moment, she could see why the Trateri likened his kind to gods. She could imagine how they might look to those below as they raced the clouds above.

As if in response, lightning arced through those same clouds. Electricity powered through the sky and the hair on Eva's arms lifted.

She smothered a scream as thunder cracked and another bolt rent the night sky. The world let loose with a deluge of water, soaking her to the bone in seconds.

Her teeth chattered as her hands clutched at Sebastian's mane. Her knees were tucked in tight along his sides and she huddled on his back, praying she didn't slip off.

Desperation and fear whitened her knuckles as she held on for dear life.

Out of the fire and into a lightning storm, she thought. Once again, her life was spiraling out of control.

With a dissatisfied nicker, Sebastian tossed his head before folding his wings.

Eva let out a yelp, leaning forward and throwing her arms around his neck as they plunged toward the ground. His wings snapped out at the last minute, catching the air and halting their momentum just enough for them to touch down. Sebastian barely paused, racing across the land at a breakneck speed, Eva clutching his neck for dear life. His mane whipped out, obscuring her view of the ground rushing by.

After an eternity, he finally slowed to a trot before stopping. Eva wasted no time, sliding to the ground before he could take off again. Her wobbly legs nearly collapsed under her as she tottered to a boulder and sank down on it.

When they told stories of the Battle Queen's flight into the Badlands and her return, they left a lot of things out. Like how utterly terrifying it was to be that high in the sky. No harness, no saddle, nothing between you and air except a mythological's whim.

The Battle Queen was so much braver than anyone gave her credit for.

Eva would never again take for granted the unwavering stability of dirt and rock beneath her.

Sebastian’s expression was irritated as he took in her huddled figure. His feelings nudged at her mind. They curled around her, pushing and shoving. There was no understanding there. He didn't know why she was upset, why she could barely catch her breath, or why terror made her hands shake.

He wanted to be up there, tearing across the sky with little concern for lightning or death.

"Not all of us are meant for flight," she snapped at him. "Some of us like our feet right here on the ground where they belong."

Derision curled his lip. It was the kick in the pants she needed to settle herself.

Fear was fine—as long as she didn't allow it to control her. She'd never be Copyright 2016 - 2024