The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,72

the other attackers away.

"Eva, are you alright?" he shouted.

"Somehow." Now freed, Eva scrambled away, dodging as Caia flung the man who'd grabbed her one way and then another. The man tripped, falling to the ground. The horse reared. Her front hooves crashed down on his back as Caia took great glee in stomping him into the ground.

She continued her attack until he was motionless; only then, stepping off him. Her nostrils flared as her sides heaved. Ollie and Eva watched with wide eyes as the little mare snorted, her expression satisfied before she sent one last kick at the man's dead body.

"That's one way to do it," Ollie said, slinging his club over his shoulder.

Eva made an inarticulate sound of agreement.

"Come on, we need to get to the rest," Ollie ordered.

Eva started after him, the all too brief screams of the other men distracting her. She scanned the darkness to see many of them strewn on the ground. Already dead.

Sebastian's horns and hooves gleamed black in the poor light.

Ollie tugged her toward where the main group fought. Eva followed quickly behind.

The Trateri were outnumbered, the creatures swarming them. Several warriors fell to their attack and were pulled beneath the water. It churned from their thrashing.

Eva shook her head, horror coating her tongue as the Trateri desperately fought for their lives.

One of the creatures paused, its head turning toward Eva.

Its body was human-shaped, its form long and spindly. A coarse and kelp-like hair cascaded over its face and shoulders, reaching halfway down its back.

Come, Caller, a feminine voice whispered. Your enemy approaches. We will protect you.

Eva blinked as she slowly twisted to see who was speaking to her, while Ollie continued toward the rest.

"Eva, what's wrong?" Ollie said from a few steps away.

Eva backed away as the creature moved silently toward her, the water barely rippling in its passage.

Ollie started toward her. Eva knew it was too late—he’d strayed too close to the bank—even as a creature rose behind him, grabbing Ollie and pulling him back against its chest.

"No!" Eva screamed, darting forward.

Horror filled Ollie's expression as the creature jerked him further into the water. Eva's feet splashed through the waves seconds later, dagger clutched in her hand as Ollie and his captor began to sink below the surface.

He struggled, not making it easy, thrashing like his very life depended on it—because it did.

Eva grabbed his arm and stabbed down with the dagger, an unearthly scream seeming to vibrate the water. The creature let go of Ollie. Eva tugged him to his feet, pushing him toward the shore. "We need to get back on land."

Before they could move, another water creature was there, her—because that's what she felt like in Eva mind—arms outstretched, sharp, bony fingers grasping Eva's arm.

An arrow, fire licking its tip suddenly sprouted from the creature's chest. A wail, harsh enough to make ears bleed, came from the water creature as her mouth dropped open, exposing teeth pointed backwards like a fish's.

Another fiery arrow landed in its eye.

"Run," Caden shouted at Eva as the creature sank beneath the waves to douse the fire.

Ollie tugged her in his wake, struggling for the shore, but it was too late. More of the water creatures faced her, their other prey momentarily forgotten as they focused on Eva.

On the cliff above, more figures had amassed, preparing to descend.

They were trapped. Strange water creatures at their back, all too human monsters at their front.

Grasping fingers wrapped around her ankle, jerking her beneath the surface. Ollie's hand was ripped from her grasp. She opened her mouth to scream but got a lungful of water instead. She choked, even as she stabbed back and down with the dagger she still held.

The hand released her, and she erupted coughing and gasping from the water.

She rubbed it out of her eyes, gaining her feet to stand in waist-high water. In the few moments she'd been underneath, the battle scene had shifted, becoming even more chaotic.

They were losing, Eva realized.

Ripples in the water headed toward her, forcing her further away from the shore. She'd never reach it like this.

Sebastian landed with a splash next to her. Urgency beat at her mind.

He bobbed his head and flared his wings.

He wanted her to get on his back.

Those ripples swam closer. In seconds, the creatures below the surface would pull her under again. She wouldn't get lucky this time.

For once, she cursed her inability to properly wield a blade or a sword. Instead, she was good with animals. And totally useless Copyright 2016 - 2024