The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,33

he'd find something, anything, that would relieve him of this unwilling fascination.

Instead, he'd uncovered nothing.

She was exactly as she appeared. An artless waif who'd stumbled on a Trateri warband and asked them to take her with them.

She'd given no sign of anger or resentment at her role within the Trateri. She put her head down and did her job. Even a harsh taskmaster like Hardwick sang her praises, though Caden doubted she realized how much esteem the old man held her in.

Hardwick had dismissed his former apprentices when it became clear they weren't willing to allow Eva to do her work unmolested.

Caden had to wonder if the new ones realized how tenuous their positions were if Eva took a disliking to them.

"She's capable," Caden finally said.

Fallon raised an eyebrow, knowing there had to be more.

"I’ve seen no signs of deception," Caden said grudgingly.

"And I'm sure you looked." Darius smirked at him.

Caden inclined his head. "I found nothing. As far as I can tell, she takes her job seriously and cares little for humans."

"I can sympathize with that viewpoint," Shea muttered dryly.

Her mother, Lainie, smothered a smile. Her daughter's dislike of idiots was well known. It had led Shea to putting her foot in her mouth on more than one occasion.

"I doubt the Trateri will be able to survive having two Shea's in their ranks," Trenton drawled from his spot at Shea's side. As one of the Battle Queen's personal Anateri, he was rarely far from Shea. When you saw one, you usually saw the other.

"I would have to agree with the human," Ajari said. "One is more than enough."

Shea leveled another glare on the Tenrin as Fallon rose, holding out his hand to help her out of her seat. "Come, my Battle Queen, let me make up for the slights you've suffered today."

"You'd better," she grumbled. "This morning the goyles laughed at me when I tried to shoo them away from the calis flowers. Laughed, Fallon."

The goyle was a small creature who inhabited the Reaches, deceptively cute and cuddly until they showed you their very sharp teeth which made it clear they were perfectly capable of defending themselves.

Her words trailed off as she and Fallon made their way toward their chambers. Caden's men fell into step around them, following the hand signals he gave.

Caden remained behind with Drake and Jane, two of his best Anateri who were usually partnered because of how well their skills complemented the other.

"I will take that as my leave," Darius said, draining his goblet and setting it down. "Caden, you know where to find me if you need me."

Caden acknowledged the order.

The general tilted his chin in farewell to the Tenrin before striding past him.

Ajari watched him go with a considering expression. "He's much more dangerous than he appears."

Caden said nothing as the Tenrin’s unsettling gaze came to him.

"Tell me, if I was to follow him, would I even now find your army preparing for war?" Ajari asked.

"We are guards. Such matters are outside our expertise," Caden finally said.

"In other words, you don't care one way or another, as long as I remain docile," Ajari said.

Caden raised an eyebrow, refusing to be baited. "I think you will take offense no matter what I say."

Word games. It wasn't the first time an ally of Fallon's had tried to lure Caden or one of his Anateri into a position where they said something unwise.

The games always remained the same. In that, mythologicals and humans were similar.

Lainie stood, drawing Ajari's attention. "I’ll have a room prepared in the Keep if you would like. I'm sure we can find something to suit you."

Ajari's lips tilted up on one side, seeing the interruption as the distraction it was. "If you have something high up, that would be preferable."

"Are your friends remaining?" Caden asked.

"My escorts prefer the freedom of nesting in the Reaches," Ajari said.

"I'll let my people know of their presence so there aren't any misunderstandings," Lainie said.

It was a necessary precaution since there were several pathfinders stationed in the reaches above the Keep to watch for the signal fires Fallon had set up in case of attack.

The pathfinders, whose stronghold had never faced invasion because of its unique geological defenses, had been breached shortly before winter. The mist which had protected it for thousands of years from invaders had burned away, only returning recently.

The attack had led to a heightened awareness of the need to be proactive in the Keep's protection—something Caden felt should have been a priority all Copyright 2016 - 2024