The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,32

silence, Ajari said, "That will be acceptable. However, the woman will be the only one allowed into their herd lands."

Shea hesitated as she looked at Fallon. The two shared a silent conversation before Shea directed her attention to Eva. "Is that acceptable?"

Caden tensed, expecting the mouse to waver and ruin months of hard work getting the winged horses to the table. She was a Lowlander. She’d done well so far, impressively so, but they only had so much courage in them.

Eva cleared her throat, looking uncertain. "If that is Sebastian's wish, I’ll do my best to meet their needs."

Shea rubbed her head. "I guess we have an accord. Eva, you're going to want to pick several people you trust to go with you. You might be in their herd lands alone, but the journey there won’t be easy."

Eva's hands clenched by her sides as she gave the Battle Queen a shaky nod. Uncertainty on her face, she glanced around the room before making her way toward the entrance of the Keep.

Caden watched her go, before flicking a hand at Horace, telling him without words to follow her and make sure she arrived safely.

Horace left his post, shadowing the woman on whisper-soft feet. She didn't react to the other man’s presence, and something told Caden she didn't even realize she was being followed.


"What is your opinion of the woman?" Darius asked when the door had shut behind Eva, leaving the rest of the council and Ajari behind. "Can she be trusted?"

As Fallon's strong right arm, Darius was a skilled tactician. More importantly, he filled Fallon's role when the warlord's attention was turned to more important things. He was loyal down to the bone and would defend Fallon's place as the head of the Trateri clans with his very life, if necessary.

If he hadn't been, Caden would have already eliminated him despite their long history. The three of them—Caden, Darius and Fallon—had grown up together. They'd been the first to pledge their allegiance to Fallon's cause and would be the first to fall in defense of it if necessary.

Darius had proved his worth as one of Fallon's best leaders. Gregarious and seemingly laid-back, his smile hid darker shadows. He could put anyone at ease, then stab them in the throat in the next moment. He was a chameleon, and what many didn't realize was that he operated one of Fallon's spy networks.

Caden had established himself in a different way. He had no desire to take on a larger role with the army, content to guard Fallon's back and make sure the Anateri were well-trained and equipped to handle any situation.

Shea's gaze was thoughtful. "I believe so. Eva helped me the night you were injured."

Fallon appeared remote and forbidding; he didn't like remembering that night or all that came after.

Neither did Caden. It prodded at feelings of failure for not protecting his warlord and sent anger burning through his veins.

His fists clenched at his sides were the only sign of his inner tumult, as he wished he could kill the traitor, Ben, all over again. He'd strung Ben's torture and eventual death out over a week but eventually the man had breathed his last breath, much to Caden's regret.

He would have liked more time to vent his frustration on the former clan leader. To make him suffer in ways that would be remembered and whispered about for years to come.

Maybe then others wouldn't be so quick to test their luck.

Shea's hand covered Fallon's in a silent acknowledgment of his inner demons. "She impressed me with her courage."

Caden finally stirred. "She informed me of Shea's direction and success once Covath's people released her."

"What's your assessment of her?" Fallon asked.

Caden was silent as he considered his words.

There was something about the woman that was difficult to put his finger on. She was an enigma, lingering in his thoughts long after she'd made herself scarce, like a burr that refused to be brushed away.

At first glance, she appeared quiet and meek—a rabbit among much larger predators. It was only in defense of her horses or those she cared about, that she gave you a glimpse of something more. Something deep and bottomless that hinted at the possibility of greatness.

The dichotomy fascinated him, so Caden had made it his mission to investigate her origin and time with the Trateri. He'd already been fooled once by those they were supposed to be able to trust. He refused to let it happen again with this stranger.

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