The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,140

in anticipation.

The blade dropped, falling to the ground before Laurell grabbed Meredith, holding her immobile and preventing her from directing her creations.

Eva tensed to leap at where the two women grappled when a root caught her foot. She tripped, avoiding another woodling’s grasping hands.

The smell of smoke and green things burning filled the air. Branches splintered overhead, broken bits raining down as Sebastian crashed through the briar wall with a primal scream, the fire fox riding his back, its muzzle wrinkled in a vicious snarl. Fire licked Sebastian’s hooves and around the fox’s tail.

Caden leapt through the hole the Kyren had made, his blade falling on Meredith's neck. The woman’s head separated from her shoulders, rolling across the ground before coming to a stop. Green sap dripped from the wound, coating Meredith’s front.

The other woodlings froze at their master's death, their limbs becoming still once again as they stiffened, returning them to inert plants.

Eva wiggled free of the branches surrounding her and stumbled toward Laurell.

There was a gurgle as Kelly dropped to his knees, his face a mask of shock. Kent stood over him, a bloody blade in his hand. His eyes met Eva's. "I guess I chose my side after all."

That was all she had time to absorb before her arms were around Laurell, supporting the other woman as they sank to the ground.


The words were barely a whisper, the echo of leaves shivering distorting them. Eva shook her head fiercely, already reaching for more of the packets hidden in her pockets. "It's going to be fine. I have more paste to treat you with right here."

Laurell's gaze shifted over Eva's shoulder meeting Caden's.

His face was expressionless before he closed his eyes, the barest whisper of grief touching his features before he nodded.

"Eva, step back."

Eva shook her head stubbornly. "We can still save her."

Caden reached down and drew her back. "We can't. If she hasn't begun to revert with the woodling’s death, it's likely she won't."

"We can still try."


"Eva, there isn't a choice," Caden said calmly.

"She's my friend," Eva said in a raw voice, looking up at him.

"Yes, she is. Now be her friend and let her go." There was understanding in Caden’s gaze. A sympathy Eva wanted no part of.

She closed her eyes, bending her head in anguish. The fox nudged her hand, a whining sound coming from it. She touched its head, sending it her quiet gratitude.

“Is there nothing to be done?” she asked the fox.

Regret touched her mind along with a negative.

Laurell clawed at the ground, struggling to reach Eva. A bittersweet smile tried to spread on Laurell's face, half-formed and crooked by the woodification of her skin.


Tears were coursing down Eva's face as Jason drew her back. "Look away."

Eva refused.

There was gratefulness in Laurell's face as Caden bent down in front of her. ""

"Meet your ancestors with pride," Caden whispered.

His blade pierced her chest and there was a stunned sound from Laurell before her body went limp. Green sap and blood mingled on Caden's blade as he pulled it free.

"It was a good death," Jason told Eva, his eyes red and watery. "For a warrior, that is their greatest wish."

When Caden looked up, Eva could see the cost this had taken on him. It wasn't easy killing, even when it was a mercy. Grief lingered there. She reached out, taking his hand in hers.

His fingers clenched around hers in an unbreakable grip as his eyes met hers in wordless understanding.

"What do we do now?" Kent asked.

"Now we get out of here and find Darius so we can clean up the vermin," Caden said.

"We can't," Eva protested.

"I really think we can," Jason argued.

"The Kyren need my help," she said.

Sebastian had folded his head over one of the mares and was lipping at the bindings frantically.

"He betrayed us,” Jason pointed out.

She sent him a quelling look. "That's a fast turnaround from a man who was falling all over himself to attend Sebastian a few days ago."

Eva glanced at Caden who looked at the Kyren with a set look on his face.

"Betrayal has a habit of changing your outlook," Jason muttered.

"I'll cut them loose," Caden told her with a resigned sigh.


"We can't stay here," Kent said once Caden had finished freeing the Kyren. "It won't take Vincent long to figure out something is wrong. Trust me, you don't want to get caught by the people he’s with."

"He's right," Caden said.

The pregnant Kyren milled around. Although they were no longer hobbled by the briar net and choke chain, Copyright 2016 - 2024