The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,139

Trateri warrior. If she went off on him now, it could very well be the last thing she did. Not that that would necessarily be a bad way to go, but it would leave the mares at his mercy–something Eva could not bring herself to do.

Sebastian's actions were beginning to make more sense now.

Kelly lifted an eyebrow at her, telling her silently to get to work.

Eva moved slowly across the clearing. The first mare stared at her with slightly feverish eyes as Eva crooned to her.

"Sebastian is near," Eva said, feeling along the pregnant mare’s body.

Help? Was the weak voice.

Eva didn't want to lie, but these mares needed hope.

"They need water," she told the two men.

They were thinner than they should be, and she was willing to bet they were dehydrated too.

Kelly waved his hand toward a small pond. "They have it."

Eva's lip curled at the sight. Even from here she could tell the water was noxious. It was stagnant with a bad odor coming off it. Drinking it would make the mares sick.

"They need fresh water or they won't survive the coming births," Eva said calmly. Which would be soon for one of them. The other two weren't far behind, a week or two at most.

"They would make great additions for my collections," Meredith said, suddenly focusing on the mares.

Eva stepped in front of them, as if by doing so she could shield them from the woodling.

"No, we've already told you we have plans for them," Kelly snapped.

Meredith pointed at the mares. "I want them."

"For cataclysm's sake," Kelly muttered, rubbing his forehead. "Take the girl if you must. Leave the mares alone."

"I don't want the girl. She lacks their majesty."

"Weren't you just saying something about how her presence hurts your head?" Kelly asked in a bored tone. "Well, this is your chance to rectify that."

Meredith's expression flashed with avarice as her eerie eyes focused on Eva.

Eva took a step back, knowing her time was almost up. Her skill as a herd mistress didn't outweigh the possibility of losing the unborn Kyren.

There was the slightest sound and she looked back to find several bugs crawling out of the grass. Some resembled various types of leaves, others looked like flowers nestled into the forest. Their stingers, barely visible beneath their vegetation flashed in an unspoken promise.

A muffled creaking groan from Laurell warned Eva. She ducked, narrowly avoiding a bug that had used a branch to launch itself at her. Tears rolled down Laurell's face as she remained locked in place.

Eva stumbled out of the way, retreating as the bugs advanced.

Figured she’d be terrified of something a fraction of her size. She’d feel worse about it if the Trateri hadn’t felt the same instinctual revulsion.

She stomped on a bug shaped like a peony before dancing back as another in the shape of an oak leaf lunged. She neared the pool and Kent.

There was the small sound of metal clattering on the ground, and she chanced a glance behind her as Kent ambled past. The blade Caden had given her beckoned from where it lay next to the stagnant pool.

Eva dashed over, nearly tripping before she recovered her balance. She swept the blade up, chopping at a bug that strayed too close.

The edge of the blade caught in the ground and she yanked it out.

"Stop killing my babies," Meredith screeched.

Eva ignored her as she kicked another bug, sending it flying into its brethren.

Dozens more took its place. There would be no end to this. Not unless she ended the woman. Could she kill? Could she take a life?

Damn right she could, if it would save herself and those mares. Blade lifted above her head, she dashed toward Meredith, a guttural scream filling her.

"Don't come here," Meredith cried, raising her hands.

Branches snaked toward Eva. One wrapped around her leg, stopping her charge. She desperately hacked, freeing herself but not before sustaining several cuts from the thorns.

"Annoying human pest," Meredith screamed. "I will turn you into kindling."

Her creations came unstuck, stumbling from the briar hedge, their branches and leaves a whispering cacophony as they rattled toward Eva.

There was no way she was going to make it. There were too many and knife fighting had never been her strength.

Laurell's eyes met hers, a hint of her old resolve there. Eva felt her heart lighten. The paste must have done its job. Despite what the woodling thought, Laurell was no longer hers.

Laurell's silvery leaves rattled as she tore her blade free, metal screeching

"Yes, kill her," Meredith hissed Copyright 2016 - 2024