For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,61

already know that! It's the skirt part they don't know about," she reminded him.

"So turn it around. Tell them you're a woman. Tell them it's called transgendered, or whatever."

"Transgender," she corrected. "It's an adjective, not a verb. Can't make it past tense."

"Ok. Then say that. Tell them you're a woman, you are trans, and that you didn't choose to be like this, but this is you. They can decide to accept it or not, but they should know that if they can't, you have a whole other family who is more than happy to take you in."

"What if they can't?" she asked.

"Then we'll figure it out," he promised. "And when I say we, I mean all of your friends, Rhaven. You are not alone, ok? Even in the worst of times, we will make sure you never have to be alone."

"I love you a little, Psyc," she told him. "Thank you. That's exactly what I needed to hear."

"Well, if you do end up crashing with me, I expect you to run around in a t-shirt and panties. I'm totally down with thongs, too."

"And the dick?" she asked.

"Eh," he muttered. "Could be hot, right?"

And finally, she could honestly laugh. "You're a perv, Psyc."

"I am," he admitted proudly. "I'm also only half full of shit, babe. Don't have a clue how that works, and I'm cool with just friends. I also haven't stopped hitting on you for a reason."

"Psyc," she breathed.

"Just laying it out there, honey. Mostly because I think you're so ready to assume the worst that you haven't yet realized that in a room full of guys from all over the world, you're just fine saying you're trans. You could pass if you wanted. You could tell us it's none of our business. Instead, you just put your business out there and trusted us. I kinda think your family can't really be worse than your outfit, right?"

"Right," she decided, because he had a point. A good one. And in his crazy way, Psyc had managed to make her see it when no one else had been able to. "Please tell me you're coming this weekend?"

"Have to," he said. "Contractually bound and all that. So yeah. You?"

"Yes, and I'm buying you a drink."

"And running around in a thong?" he asked.

"Fuck off," she told him. Then, after a moment's pause, added, "Maybe?"

"That's my girl," he said. "Now let's go kill things. I'd say you should fix your mascara, but sounds like you're not wearing any."

"Thursday," she decided. "I'll tell them Thursday night." But her pulse was picking up again. "I kinda have to."

"And I'll be here if you need someone to talk to," he promised. "Before, after, or even if you just want someone waiting while you do it. I will virtually hold your hand the whole time. You got this. You are a badass, and you scare me sometimes, so fuck anyone who doesn't like what you have to say. Thursday, we will make this happen."

"Thursday," she repeated, making it a promise to herself. "One way or another, this will all be over on Thursday."

Chapter 21

With a plan in place, Tuesday passed quickly. The most exciting thing about it was that she woke up to an announcement that at 4:23 am, Kitty had given birth to a very healthy and loud baby boy. His name was officially Ryan Andrew Arheez. And while his mom was doing just fine, the father had almost melted down twice in his concern for the two loves of his life. Now that it was all done and over, Murder was on cloud nine, and rumor had it that Kitty was ready to kill him.

But none of Riley's clan logged in to get their congratulations. Not that anyone was surprised. Nothing else of import happened either, yet the hours seemed to vanish right before Rhaven's eyes. It was one of those situations where she wanted it to take longer, and she still wasn't ready to come out to her family, but she was determined to make this happen on Thursday. In truth, she even dared to hope that her brother and father would be ok with it. Visions of them hugging her and saying that it didn't matter fueled her determination.

That night, Kate suggested that Rhaven make a few notes about the points she didn't want to miss. Things like her name and pronouns, for starters. Sure, most of it would be covered, but just so she had something to reference when she got nervous. If nothing Copyright 2016 - 2024