For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,122

At the bottom of the screen, she saw the spam pass, but she missed the action trying to keep herself safe.


But QQ pulled back and shots were still going. Rhaven healed herself up, turning to find the next enemy, and it felt like time slowed. Cynister aimed for Void, but he was just a bit too slow. Void's weapon changed, a pistol appearing in his character's hands and two shots rang out. Cynister dropped.

Cynister < VOID

Rhaven shot, her first round hitting Void, but the man dropped before she could get off the second. At the bottom of her screen came the proof that she hadn't been the only one aiming.


But Knock was directly across from her. Rhaven didn't even think. Hours of gaming took over, and she pushed her mouse, centering her crosshairs over his head. The first shot hit, but her own screen flashed red, and she strafed to the right while tapping off the second.

KNOCK < Rhaven

Her character was hurting, but hitting another med pack did nothing. She was out! Desperately, she activated her character's healing ability, but that was a bad decision. The first of many bars refilled, the heal repairing her over time, but it also announced her location. She pulled back, thinking she was safe, and then heard the thud right behind her. Two loud pops and the death screen faded in, proving that of all people, PsychoCut had just killed her.

Rhaven gasped, but it didn't last long. QQ rounded the corner, rushing over her corpse and the shots rang out. Rhaven turned to see the big screen at the end of the room just in time to watch Psyc fall and QQ win the third round. A rush of air fell from her lungs and she leaned back pulling off her headphones.

"That was intense," she groaned.

"That was amazing!" Psyc said. "Yeah, and sorry about the flank."

Rhaven just waved him off. "All I wanted was the final round." She looked down the table. "We all in?"

"Out in the first round," Kate said.

"Same," Zara admitted.

"I'm in," Cynister confirmed.

"Out," Adam said.

"And the rest of us are in!" Riley squealed. "This is going to be so fun! But, I have a contracted demo at the EC booth."

Void just chuckled and pointed at the door. "Gotta make it through the reporters first."

"Getting used to that," Riley assured him. "One of you guys needs to get me a coffee. Please?"

"On it," Knock said.

Rhaven pushed back her own chair. "I need to touch up my makeup."

"I'll come with," Psyc offered. "Unless I'm in shit for killing you?"

"Nope," she promised. "Kill or be killed, right?"

But she had a feeling they needed to talk, and that was the real reason he wanted to walk with her. Well, not to mention the problem with KoG stalking the women at these things, but she was kinda getting used to that. Yet when Rhaven came around the table, Psyc wrapped his arm around her waist the same way Braden had that morning. She couldn't help but smile at him, and something flashed.

"PsychoCut!" a reporter yelled. "Are you and Rhaven an item? If so, then why did you kill her in the last round?"

"Rhaven, are you a man or a woman?" someone else asked.

Psyc's head snapped around to the second one. "Who are you?" he demanded.

"Arturo Ganza of Cyber Magazine," the guy said. "Rumors are spreading that Rhaven is really a man named Ethan Moore. Care to comment, Rhaven?"

"Don't fucking deadname her," Psyc snapped, surging into the man's face. "Rhaven is a woman. Anything else is none of your business, and her name is Rhaven Moore."

"Psyc," she begged, pulling him back. "It's ok."

"It's not fucking ok!" he growled.

"Is that true?" the first reporter asked. "Are you transgender, Rhaven?"

"I am," she said, lifting her chin. "I use female pronouns and identify as a woman."

"Do you have a penis?" someone else asked.

Almost like magic, Riley appeared at her side. "Hey, Brian. How's it going?"

"Q!" the guy said, clearly thrilled at the chance to interview her. "How did - "

But Riley cut him off. "Do you have a penis?"

"What?" he asked, clearly shocked.

"A penis," Riley repeated. "You know, since we're all talking about what's in our pants. What about you, Cyber Magazine guy? We talking two inches here? Four? Is that on the record?"

"Fuck off," Arturo grumbled, lowering his phone.

Riley just looked back to the man she'd called Brian. "I'm waiting for the answer, Mr. Westman." And then she raised her voice. "I'm going to make Copyright 2016 - 2024