For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,114

map gave an advantage to rockets, I'd try sniping. Let's just say my options were limited. I was up top, shooting down the air vent."

"There was an air vent?" Rhaven asked.

He shrugged. "The ship was historically accurate. Well, for the most part."

"And there we go!" the emcee said. "All-new maps, and all-new dangers. Looks like even the top gamers in the PLG are going to have to learn a few new tricks this time. But with twenty-six people advancing to the next round, there will definitely be one more chance to clear the map before the final round. We'll start again in one hour."

Chapter 38

Rhaven didn't even get to push her chair back before someone walked past and sneered, "Freak!"

Psyc was immediately on his feet, but Void snagged the back of his shirt. "Let it go, man."

Unfortunately, it wasn't that easy. That guy was just the first, not the last. Just like before, the high table headed to the restaurant as a group, but it seemed Rhaven's fan club was waiting right outside the gaming hall. At first, she thought they were just a group of kids standing around and talking. None of them could've been old enough to drink, but the moment they saw her, all six of the guys turned.

"You're sick," the first one called out, his voice pitched to make everyone look.

And people did. Those around her, those walking in the hallways, and even the employees of the hotel. Rhaven wanted to crawl into her skin and die, but her friends had a completely different reaction. Void was the first to step into them, grabbing the speaker's shoulder to push him back.

"You do not want to fuck with me today," he warned.

"You aren't that scary," a second guy sneered.

"Will be when I figure out your name," Void warned.

Adam just cleared his throat. "Void, let me?" Then he stepped forward and looked at all of them. "Let me make this clear. Degrass Industries doesn't tolerate clients who harass our guests. Now, what room are you people in?"

"Fuck off, gay lover," another said, looking like he couldn't have even been eighteen.

Adam just smiled. "Oh, so you're trespassing on my property?"

"It's a hotel, dumbass."

"My hotel," Adam said. "And the woman you just slandered is my girlfriend's best friend. Not a good call."

"You got a dick, don't ya?" someone else asked, ignoring the people around her to look right at Rhaven.

"That crossed the fucking line," Psyc growled, trying to push forward.

This time, Murder grabbed him. "Bro, when I'm the guy with brains, you know this shit ain't good."

"Get the fuck out of my hotel," Adam ordered, turning toward the front desk. "Security? I want these children removed!"

"Fuck you, dickwad," the youngest-looking one said. "I'll sue your ass. My dad's a lawyer."

"Sure he is," Void agreed, sounding like he didn't believe the kid at all.

"But," Cyn said, breaking in, "you might still be able to talk your way out of this. Tell me where you heard this shit about Rhaven, and I might talk my friends down."

"Fuck off, man-lover," the first guy said.

Adam just raised his hand and waved over the security. "I need these guys removed, please. I'll also want their names, who the room was registered under, and all security information to be turned over to the company attorney."

"For what?" one of the kids asked.

"Hate crimes," Cynister said, his voice as cold as death.

"We were just talking shit," the youngest hurried to say. "All in good fun."

"Not fun!" Psyc almost yelled.

Rhaven was watching all of this feeling almost disconnected. As if she was a spectator. It was surreal. Not the boys giving her a hard time, but the men around her who looked ready to hurt someone - for her! Dez had said to trust her friends, and this was clearly what she'd been talking about. Not just with her secret - which wasn't very secret anymore - but to take care of her. To make her feel safe and...

Like she was worth something.

Then Cyn tugged Psyc toward her. "Get her out of here. We'll handle this."

"Right," Psyc agreed, grabbing Rhaven's hand. "C'mon, beautiful, let's do something fun."

"USB drives," Adam told him. "She's made Kate an addict."

"And maybe some EC," Psyc decided, steering her away from the cluster of hotel security, teenage boys, and chaos. "You ok, Rhaven?"

"I..." She had to pause, because that disconnected feeling was still there.

Was she ok? Was this her new version of freaking out? But no, she wasn't scared, and she hadn't been the whole Copyright 2016 - 2024