For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,113

to play it safe, but they didn't care. Names like Tittysmshr and BROcode made her think they might have an ulterior motive. Then, a line in the chat caught her eye. Mostly because it was written in all caps.


Without hesitation, she hopped the railing and jumped down. Murder did the same on the other side. This was no big deal. It was just like any building hold, she tried to tell herself, but her heart was racing. The adrenaline had just hit, and she knew it would affect her aim. That was why her first headshot missed.

In desperation, Rhaven aimed for the body mass of the enemy and let loose. Fuck being careful. Screw playing it safe. She had a feeling these guys were some of the KoG fucks who'd tried to ruin her life - if for nothing more than because their names sucked. It was enough. All she needed was a little mental motivation, and it worked.

The first man dropped. Murder took the second. The third got a barrage of hits into her side, but Rhaven ducked back behind the stairs and triggered a med pack. That was when Murder pushed in, getting headshots on two of them. Healed back up, Rhaven moved to join him, and together, they tore down the last asshole.

[MURDER] Don't fuck with PsychoDreads, you fools.

[Rhaven] We're here to win.

But the timer had just dropped below one minute and there was still one floor to go. Rhaven moved for the stairs, but before she could lead the downward rush, another guy pushed in front of her. Psyc, she realized just before she shot him in the back. Well, well. Now there were three.

[PSYCHOCUT] I'm here for the win, baby!

Systematically, they pushed downward. Psyc took lead. Rhaven watched the sides. Murder held the back. The only problem was that their chatter and the grouping of red dots on the mini map was enough to bring a crowd. Everyone wanted a piece of the pros, not yet realizing that they'd earned their fame for a reason.

A shot came from the side, and Rhaven spotted the player in a darkened room. Just a hint of a silhouette, but it was enough. Two taps, and they were down, the game dinging to prove she'd gotten the kill. Then Murder let off a volley and another name scrolled through the kill spam.

Then a wave rushed them from the hall straight ahead. Psyc shot. Murder turned and shot. Rhaven hurried to the space beside the door, shooting as she went. People were dropping, but it felt like the entire map was converging on them. The chat started to go crazy.

[QQ] Time to clean up the herd a little

[VOID] South

[KNOCK] East

[Cynister] Death from above.

The echoes from the guns were so loud that Rhaven had to turn down the volume. Psyc and Murder hit the wall beside her, so she triggered her healing ability, topping them all up so they could get right back at it. First Murder, strafing across the door to take a few out. Then Psyc, killing off a few more. Finally, it was her turn, and Rhaven strafed from one side of the door to the others, trying to spot and hit as many heads as she could.

This time, it was Murder who triggered his heal ability, and then they did it again. One guy was brave enough to rush in, hoping to get past their hold of the door, but Rhaven dropped him. Then another. It didn't take long before the herd figured out that rushing in one at a time was a bad idea.

They came as a group. Dozens of them. So many that it looked like a wall of bodies. Rhaven shot. Murder shot. Psyc shot. In the middle of all of that, she saw a grenade blinking in the middle, so just triggered her heal. Murder did the same, but they couldn't stop shooting.

A split second before the grenade blew, the timer hit zero, blinking at the top of her screen to make it clear she'd advanced to the next round. Then the death screen flashed in because not even the three of them could beat down an entire map of the enemy.

"Oh!" Murder said, pulling off his headphones to toss them on the table. "That was intense!"

"We made it?" Rhaven asked.

"We did," Psyc promised.

Then Riley laughed and dropped her headset onto her neck. "Where the fuck were you, Cyn?"

He just flashed her a smile. "I figured that since the last Copyright 2016 - 2024