For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,107

know that, but the rest of the world? They won't see anything wrong with these companies discriminating against her. Not without a little help. And when Rhaven gets passed over again? I'm going to make a big fucking deal out of it."

Psyc nodded. "I'll tell Void and Murder. We'll play it up in the post-game interviews."

"Thanks, man," Braden said, turning back to his equipment.

"I do like her, you know," Psyc called back. "Probably more than I should."

"Nah, man. Just as much." He paused to scrub his face. "And who knows, maybe you're better for her than I am."

"Pretty sure I'm not," Psyc said. "But you know what Paradox always says? Teamwork is overpowered."

"I like that," Braden decided.

Psyc just grinned. "Guess this makes us Team Rhaven, huh?"

"Something like that," Braden said. "I mean, unless you start playing for the other side..."

"Uh, no," Psyc said, backing away. "I like feminine and you? Not feminine."

"I like vulnerable," Braden told him. "And you? Not vulnerable."

"I've just been doing this long enough to hide it well," Psyc assured him. "Pretty sure everyone has a vulnerability, Braden. Every single one of us."

Chapter 36

Psyc got back to the gaming hall about five minutes before Kate had to stand up to make her speech. He flashed a smile at Rhaven but didn't bother to explain where he'd gone or what he'd talked about. Just before she could ask, Jason walked into the hall, making everyone stop and look.

It wasn't so much who he was as the dog beside him. Crysis was wearing his service vest, clearly marked, but he was still a good-sized dog that looked like a pit bull. Then there was Cyn's shirt. Sprawled across the front was the logo for Degrass Industries and the catch phrase, "Where gamers get their game on."

Evidently, someone had been sponsored.

"Cyn's representing the hotels?" Rhaven asked, looking across the table at Zara.

"Yep," Zara said. "It's how we got a suite, and Void's his attorney."

"Nice," Rhaven said, looking over to smile at Void.

The man looked smug. "What? Q's not my only client anymore."

"He also represents me," Knock pointed out. "Although I'm just chopped liver."

"Fuck off," Void teased.

Before Knock could respond, Kate cleared her throat at the mic, making everyone look toward the stage area. Like always, she was wearing her Paradox shirt, and Chance Hunter, the head of Deviant Games, was standing beside her, preparing for the morning introductions. Kate waited a moment for people to sit down and look over, then she began her spiel.

"If you brought coffee in with you," she started, "then trash it before it's seen. No food or drinks in the gaming hall, sadly. I mean, I know I'd love an extra espresso, and the idiot who picked this hour to start is a masochist, but we can't risk the computers in here." She paused for people to chuckle weakly. "And good morning. For those who haven't figured it out yet, I'm Lithium, the spokesperson for the hotel, here to tell you all the things you don't really care about but we're legally required to say."

Then she began to discuss the rules, including that the presence of the gamers gave the hotel the right to monitor the network for illegal activity and any third party programs. It was the same thing she said every time, but the most important part of her speech. That was the bit that made it legal for Cynister to monitor everything.

But she broke from her routine right after that. "And," Kate said, "I'm thrilled to announce that Degrass Industries, the company that owns all these hotels, has finally thrown our hat into the ring and sponsored a player. I mean, I tried to convince them to name me, but it seems my stats kinda suck. Instead, we're pleased to introduce Sergeant Jason Raige, of the US Army, now retired. He's a military veteran, and has been coming to every convention for a while now. You will probably notice his service animal first, but please do not pet the dog. He's working, and our military veterans deserve a little respect."

"So that's why you brought your dog?" PBJ asked from the end of the line.

Jason nodded. "Yeah. Got him cleared. I mean, I could've pushed it, but he's a PTSD animal, and I can go a bit without him at my side, you know. Didn't want to make problems."

"Sorry about the PTSD," PBJ told him. "But thanks for serving and all that."

"Just a paycheck," Jason assured him. "Kinda nice that it gets me Copyright 2016 - 2024