For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,106

that I didn't have a right to. This is kinda the same thing. I'm trying to chase you off because I'm the man, and Rhaven's mine. Thing is, she's not."

"But I thought she was officially your girlfriend," Psyc said.

"Oh, she's that," Braden assured him. "But my girl's had a shitty week, and I don't own her like a puppy. She deserves to be pampered, flirted with, and more. So..." He offered his hand. "I won't break your face, so long as you don't hurt her."

Psyc slapped his hand against Braden's. "Deal, man. I'm just trying to make sure she's got a little cover."

"No, make sure she feels like the most beautiful woman in that room. Fuck, did you see those socks she's wearing? The ones that come up to her thighs?"

"Yes," Psyc groaned, pulling his hand back. "And could that skirt be any shorter?"

"No lines, Psyc. My girl is yours for the weekend, ok? I mean, I'm a dumb shit, but I can be taught. Sometimes, the best way to prove someone's worth is to take off the leash, right?"

"You seriously want me to hit on your girl?" Psyc asked, sounding like he was waiting for the trap.

"I seriously want you to make her realize that more than one man wants her. She's spent her entire life thinking she's not good enough. She hooked up with the first guy to make a move. So, now she knows there's one man who's into her. Me, the bi guy."

"I'm straight," Psyc said.

"And she's a woman," Braden agreed. "But that's the thing. You are straight, and she is a woman. Psyc, to her? That's a big fucking deal. She can convince herself that I'm ok with this because I'm an equal opportunity fucker." He paused. "Well, literally. You, though?"

"What's out of bounds?" Psyc asked.

Braden had to think about that for a moment. Every instinct in his body said more than kissing. The idea of Rhaven melting into Psyc's arms was hard enough to deal with, but thinking about Psyc groping her breasts, grabbing her ass, or more? Having this guy take her upstairs between rounds for a quickie? It made Braden's jaw clench, but that was his problem, not Rhaven's.

No, he didn't care that she was a virgin. He wouldn't like her less if she had a list of lovers. He liked her, but he also knew that she was twenty-two years old and had missed so much. If Braden honestly wanted things to work out, he'd have to accept that his girl was going to be curious. She was going to start accepting her own sexuality. If he tried to stand in the way of that, it would tear them apart.

But if he could put his own male ego aside for a moment and encourage her? Maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't fuck this up.

"No limits," Braden decided. "I might be stupid, and I'll probably be grumpy if you get her naked, but..." He sighed. "I don't own her."

"If you love it, set it free," Psyc said. "If it comes back, it's meant to be. Something my mom used to say, and I guess this is kinda like that?"

"Yeah, kinda," Braden agreed. "Mostly it's me thinking about how Dez got herself to be ok. She learned to touch people because Chance was her shield, not her master. She learned to trust because her boyfriend never kept her away from us. And I know that when I was younger, I wanted to fuck everything I could. You really think Rhaven's any different?"

"Kinda do," Psyc said. "I think that for her, sex is a big fucking deal. I think it's different for girls, and probably even more terrifying for her. Too many chances to be laughed at when she's at her most vulnerable, you know?"

"So don't fucking laugh at her," Braden said. "Psyc, a bunch of spoiled white guys made her self-conscious about everything. How about a couple of them convince her they were wrong, huh?"

"Partners in crime?" Psyc asked.

Braden nodded. "Just tell my girl that yeah, I care. I care that she is allowed to live a little. I care that she's treated with respect. Most of all, I care that she knows there's nothing that is going to chase me off except her dumping my ass."

"Will do," Psyc promised, "but I have to get back."

"She needs to win," Braden told him. "Man, she wants a sponsorship."

Psyc took a step back, but paused. "She's not going to get one, Braden."

"I know that, and you Copyright 2016 - 2024