William (The Valentines) - By Sam Crescent Page 0,28

other immortals went in for the attack. He held out his hands in surrender, wanting only to see his woman.

“Katie,” he called her name.

“William?” He heard the hesitation in her voice. The sea of people parted and there she stood—beautiful, alive and running at him. He opened his arms and she jumped into them. William laughed, smiled and thanked God she was still alive. He pressed his nose against her neck, inhaling her sweet fragrance. Convincing himself she was alive and in his arms for him to love and adore.

When she pulled her head back he saw that she was crying.

“What’s the matter, baby?” he asked, his heart hurting to see her upset.

“I’m so happy you came for me.”

The others moved away, realising how private the moment was, and sought out their own escape.

Katie made the first move. She kissed him, not in a dream but in reality. He lost his heart all over again. He moulded his lips to hers. Everything sang between them, lighting them up like the brightest star in the sky.

“I love you,” he growled.

“I love you, too.” She nibbled his lips, circling his waist with her legs as he pressed her up against the wall, mindful of nothing but her.

“Wow, isn’t this all sweet and cosy?”

They froze in place. William opened his eyes. He knew that voice. He’d craved that very voice, mourned its loss. He pulled away from Katie and turned his head.

It couldn’t possibly be who he thought it was.

William held Katie close to him but looked in the direction of his worst nightmare.

Like a scene out of a horror movie, Emma stood, her black and white hair in waves around her body as if it had a life of its own, her black eyes shining hatred and her magic pulsing around her, ready to strike.

William couldn’t believe it. Emma stood in front of him. Alive. The mate he had long thought dead. For decades he’d believed he’d failed her. He’d killed her by not responding, by not being quick enough, clever enough or strong enough.

Yet here she stood, alive and enveloped by pure evil. It didn’t take William long to understand what was going on.

Emma was responsible for all the evil that had graced their door.

The love he’d thought he’d felt died in an instant. With Katie in his arms he could see the true Emma, the one he’d refused to see all those years before.

What a waste of his life.

“Hello, darling. Long time, no see,” Emma greeted him, moving down the hall.

William pushed Katie behind him, keeping her safe at the forefront of his mind.

“Trying to protect your little witch, I see,” she said, still coming towards them.

“What are you doing, Emma?” He spoke her name, trying to convince himself that she was real.

“Finishing what I started. My younger sister gave birth to a child and I’ve spent centuries trying to find the little brat. Lo and behold my anger at finding that the child had been here in Beyer West, protected all along,” she said each word, staring at Katie. The only living descendant of the child Emma was speaking of.

“You killed your sister?” He refused to believe it. The Emma he had known and loved wouldn’t have harmed anyone.

“Of course I did. I was tired of being second at everything. The only way of surviving in this world is by being the best.” Her eyes glowed as she watched Katie.


“For more power. Surely William, you must have figured that out by now.”

* * * *

Abigail waited for her to come. Emma was too strong and too dangerous. She would not be able to defeat her. She prayed for the life of her baby girl, hoping against hope that one day she would be able to stand and fight.

The door rattled, then flung itself open. Emma appeared in all her dramatic splendour. Black, full-length dress, exposing the top of her heaving bosom. Her hair swirling around her. Her eyes the colour of the devil.

“Hello Emma,” said Abigail, already resigned to the fact that she was going to die.

“Is that all you’re going to say?” Emma taunted her, moving towards her.

“What more is there to say?” Abigail was calm and she knew Emma hadn’t expected that. She stayed serene, knowing her fate.

“I don’t know. Questions about why I’m doing this? You know—the usual.”

“You’re greedy. What more is there to it?”

Emma hissed, moving in front of her sister, trying to terrify her.

Abigail simply looked at her. She wasn’t afraid. She had no

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