William (The Valentines) - By Sam Crescent Page 0,27

is. A vampire without a mate and with all that anger will cause untold chaos. Emma is a dead witch.” Adam said.

“I need weapons,” Don said. “This ends tonight.”

Robert kissed Sophie on the head. “Stay safe.”

They all moved towards the door but Poppy was standing in front of it, the cape gone, her eyes glowing red.

“You take me with you,” she croaked.

“No, you stay here.” Adam pushed her aside.

Poppy grabbed his wrist and twisted, making him drop his knife.

“I was sent with this message. I have to see it through to the end,” Poppy insisted.

“Bring the necromancer. She may come in useful as a shield.” Don pushed past the rest of the group. His mission was to fight the wolves and to avenge his friend’s death.

Adam looked at Poppy, seeing her scars, how weak she was. He should go and chain her to the bed, but just looking her in the eye he could see it would be no good.

He nodded, pushing her out of the door.

Tonight was going to be a mass of bloodshed and danger.

* * * *

“Something is happening,” one of the prisoners said.

Katie moved from her bed, screaming as the ‘something’ shattered against the outside of her wall.

“Katie!” She heard her name being bellowed.

She waited to see if she would hear it again.

Please, please, don’t be imagining it.

She closed her eyes as the tears began to fall.

“Katie!” Her name again, followed by the shaking of the walls and floor where she stood.

Her heart surged with joy.

“William,” she whispered, chuckling when she realised how quietly she’d spoken. “William,” she yelled at the top of her voice. Moving over to the bars that contained her, Katie wrenched at them, screaming his name.

Now that her freedom was close, Katie fought harder than ever before.

“William.” She went crazy, pulling and heaving. But she was still human and the bars wouldn’t budge. A witch didn’t have the strength of an immortal being.

“Use your magic, sweetheart.” Katie glanced up and saw the man across from her watching her efforts.

Stepping away from the bars, closing her eyes and praying it would work and she wouldn’t blow herself up, she aimed her hands and fired. The metal exploded, disintegrating onto the floor. Never had her magic worked so accurately. If she’d known she could do this, she would have freed herself a while back.

“Cool, it didn’t make any mess at all,” she said, surprised, and left her cell. She aimed her hands at the other immortals in their cages and released them, too. Katie couldn’t explain why she had more control over her powers now, but she was going to keep using it.

The man who had been trapped opposite her came forward and embraced her. Katie froze, wondering what he was going to do. He kissed her on the cheek.

“I’m forever in your debt,” he whispered.

Katie pulled away, smiling. “Get me out of here alive and we’ll call it even.”

They ran out of the prison, charging towards the chaos.

I’m coming, William.

* * * *

William fought his way in the house, taking on as many wolves as he could. He’d been bitten by half-breeds. He was bleeding and bruised but moving forward.

“Katie,” he yelled.

Pounding a werewolf into the wall, he yelled her name again. She had to be here. He wouldn’t accept anything else.


His heart lifted. Katie was here. “I’m coming.”

He was so preoccupied by her response that he didn’t see James waiting for him until he was on him. A punch to the face and another to the gut threw him back down the stairs.

“After your other witch, I see.” James followed him down the stairs, a wicked-looking spike in hand. “Time to prove you can’t keep any witch.” He stood over him, the spike poised to pierce William’s heart.

No, it couldn’t end like this.

An arrow flew through the air and went into James’s side. The Alpha wolf howled in pain.

“You, you little bastard, are mine.” Don charged at his friend’s murderer.

“I thought you were dead,” James said, pulling out the arrow.

“Guess again. Go and get your witch, William. The others are here. We’ve got your back.”

William nodded and ran for Katie.

The battle was in full force. He dodged werewolves, moving down a long, narrow brick tunnel leading out towards a row of cells, stopping when he saw a load of vampires, wolves and demons charging towards him.

He waited, calculating when would be the best time to attack. Then he smelt her. The wonderful smell of honey, calming his nerves.

He moved into view. The

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