Wicked (Somerset University #2) - Ruby Vincent Page 0,16


Jaxson and I wandered into the living room. Sofia was there, sandwiched between Hudson and Palmer, sporting a speck of brown on her lip. A glance at the cookie plate confirmed my suspicions.

“Did you eat my cookies?” I accused.

She cracked up, half choking. “You weren’t supposed to know. I’ll make you some more.”

Sofia and I headed to the kitchen while Jaxson and Hudson caught up. The number of people my boys were fond of was a small, exclusive group. Sofia’s boyfriend managed to shoot toward the top of the list before they officially met.

“What do you think the meeting’s about?” I asked.

“I know what it’s about.” Sofia pulled a fresh batch of cookies out of the oven. “We had our mourning period and now it’s time to choose a new president.”

“Seriously? Right now?”

“Not today, but someone is coming to talk to us about it.” Sofia set out the cookies to cool. “We don’t have a president. Reagan, our vice president, left. And the other leaders, the treasurer and recruitment chair, don’t want to move up and take on more responsibility. We got away with it for one semester. Now it’s time to pick new leaders.”

“Hmm.” I hopped up on the counter. Snagging a cookie, I bit into the warm, gooey treat. “Who do you want for president?” I asked, mouth full.

“I heard Blair’s gunning for it.”

“As a sophomore? Can she get it?”

She nodded. “The only ones barred are freshmen and pledges.”

“President Blair,” I tried out.

Sofia leaned in, lowering her voice. “Gives you the heebie-jeebies, doesn’t it?”

We snorted a laugh. We liked Blair a lot more now, but the girl was still intense.

“Some of the upperclassmen sisters are thinking of running too,” she said. “But I think you should do it.”

“Me? Why me?”

“You want to find out what’s going on around here,” she said, lips barely moving. “This is your chance. You’d deal with the local organization, the alumni, the officers, and Aiden. He has to plan things with you as the brother fraternity. This would give you a chance to get close to him.”

“You make a very good point, Sofia Lorraine.”

“I curse my mother for telling you my full name.”

“But he knows I’m Ezra’s girlfriend,” I continued. “He’s not going to slip up around me. Aiden is too smart.”

“He’ll be careful, of course, but being around and talking to him might give you a better idea of who he is. Who his friends are. If he’s always running out of the room to take calls. Stuff like that. And as leader of the Sallys, no one could pull shady shit on your watch. You’ll know everyone and be in everything.”

I nodded along. What she was saying made a lot of sense. There was only one issue.

“Why would anyone vote for me? I don’t—and can’t—live in the house. I’m busy with my son, school, and boyfriends. And I actively avoided the Sallys for a while. All of that doesn’t scream presidential material.”

“The sisters like you, Val. They know you care about them. The girls who are just looking for fun, parties, bonding, and sisterhood know you’ll provide. The sisters looking for something else... something shady... need to be watched by a president who isn’t in on it. Only me and you fit that description.”

“Why can’t you do it?”

She shook her head. “Daddy’s doing better, but they’re still relying on me to take on more responsibility at Honey Hair. Plus, my classes and homework take up most of my free time while Hudson takes up the bit that’s left. I can’t squeeze this in.”

“Neither can I,” I confessed, “but you’re right. As president, I can find out what’s going on or at least stop it from happening again. If another Sam or Sally goes missing, you better believe I’m sounding the alarm through the whole state.”

Sofia slathered the spread on a cookie and passed it to me. “And no matter what, I’ll be here to back you up. These girls are my friends. I want them safe too.”

“Val?” Jaxson came into the kitchen. He propped himself on my knees, opening his mouth for cookies. I fed him in between sweet, chocolatey kisses. “There’s something I need to show you in Sofia’s room.”

“Oh? Is there?”

He nodded, face grave. “Urgently.”

“If you’re going to have sex in my bed,” Sofia deadpanned, “put a towel down or something.”

“Will do,” said Jaxson.

“We’re not going to—” I yelped as Jaxson threw me over his shoulder.

He took off running upstairs. Swinging upside down, I cracked up. A room full

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