Wicked Destiny - By Tiffany Stevens Page 0,74

it wouldn’t be long until self-control became harder and harder to hold onto. So the more help the better. I hated being so snappy at him, but I would make it up to him and Mindy.

In that moment my head cleared and I was able to see things for what they were. I rounded on Viktor and had him by his throat. Even though the power high had worn off, I could feel the change in strength.

“What the hell was that? Why did you leave?” I hadn’t let go, but I was certain he could get loose if he wanted.

“You needed as much power as possible. What better way?” He still didn’t move.

“You just served them up like cattle?” I was astonished.

“Not to sound like an asshole, but do you really care, Sloane? I mean, think about it. You’ve demonstrated that you’re one of us.” He was out of my grip and now I was in his. He maneuvered us to the furthest corner away from everyone. It looked as if we were in an intimate embrace to someone who might’ve walked in. “Was it not you that asked for my help, and did I not deliver? Yes, you might be the chosen one in this damned prophecy, but I too have to maintain my position and you challenging me that way in front of them might raise questions prematurely. Now that we have settled this conversation, I think it’s time we leave.” What else could I say after that?

We were gone.


I couldn’t believe what just happened. Sloane had completely flipped her lid and the worst part was that she had Viktor besides her, instigating her every move. I needed to find Mindy because I knew Shay would be with her. She could help me find Declan. I had a feeling I was going to need some help. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone to text Mindy.

Me: Meet me at the club in ten minutes. Bring everyone. Have Shay get in contact with Declan. He needs to be there too.

Mindy: Did you find her?

Me: Tell you then. Be careful. If you see her, don’t approach her. She’s not herself.

I stuck my phone back into my pocket, not looking to see if Mindy texted back. I jumped on my bike and headed straight to the club. I knew I’d get there before them, but I needed to figure out how I was going to explain what I saw. Pulling up to the club, Declan was already pacing outside.

“What is so wrong?” he asked me as I was unlocking the front door.

“Where are the girls?” I asked.

“They’re on the way. They’re leaving the farm house now, so they should be here soon.” Declan looked worried and with good reason.

“Good, we have a problem and I think you better hear it first before they do.” I pushed him in while carefully looking over my shoulder.

I walked over to the bar and poured us a drink. I figured he was going to need it. Declan just stared at me. He already knew, I figured, but wanted confirmation. Declan was a good guy, too. He was the ideal man for Sloane. What was his deal? Why couldn’t they get it right? I was tired of see her waste her time with assholes that just wanted to use her for something.

“Just tell me, Dale.” He pushed the shot I poured to the side.

“Declan, she’s gone. She’s fallen right off her rocker.” I dove in quickly before the girls got there. I wasn’t sure what he wanted me to tell Shay. I’d offer whatever explanation Declan wanted while Shay was present, but as soon as she was gone Mindy would know the truth.

He didn’t move, and for a minute he looked as if he had stopped breathing. He eventually took that shot and signaled for another. Time was growing short and we needed to get Shay out of town and figure out a good story. I hated to lie, but if it ensured someone’s safety, it wasn’t exactly that bad. Or was it?

“We need a vampire to compel her.” Declan ran his hand through his hair. “Do you know one or does one work here?”

“Yeah, I can call Crystal. She should be getting up about now.” I poured another shot. Mindy was going to kill me, but we’d fight about it later. Succubus and Vampires don’t mix too well around here.

I pulled out my phone again and called Crystal. Although she was up,

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