Wicked Destiny - By Tiffany Stevens Page 0,75

she was having a little snack at the moment. I gave her the rundown of what I needed and she agreed to come in once she was done. All we had to do now was wait. As I ended the call, Declan poured himself another shot.

“It’s my fault,” he said as he downed another shot.

“What is?” I took the bottle away.

“I never should have left. This would’ve never happened if I stayed.” He now raked both hands through his hair.

“You can’t beat yourself up like this. Just…fix it,” I said, as I slammed the bottle back into its place.

“What if she won’t stop?” Declan was ready to admit defeat.

“Then you make her see.” I couldn’t stress it any clearer than that.

Mindy and Shay walked into the club. I sat a Coke on the bar and told Shay to sit while I spoke with Mindy. She didn’t like that too much. She was with Declan and I wasn’t worried about what he’d tell her, because soon she wouldn’t even remember. Just as I made it to the back to the club, I heard the door close and in walked Crystal, the vampire. A hiss escaped Mindy’s mouth and her protective instincts kicked in for Shay’s sake.

“No! She’s here because I called her.”Oh, yeah, this wasn’t going too well. Although my intentions were for the greater good, the fact that I called a vampire wasn’t good. And not just any vampire—she was my ex.

Before I met Mindy sixty years ago, I was with Crystal and we were living in Las Vegas. The scene was less hectic and there was easy prey for me and for Crystal. Unlike Crystal, I grew tired of the chase and began looking for reasons to end my total existence. That’s when I met Mindy. She was like an angel, just a little darker. In fact, she was so beautiful I thought she was one. I knew then that I would follow her anywhere. She taught me that there were ways to live with what we were. We were still damned souls, but just maybe our souls were a little more grey than black.

“You son of a bitch! You have a lot of nerve calling—” she began, but I didn’t let her finish. I cut her off and told her everything. She still wasn’t happy about Crystal, but she was the only one I knew who would come for sure. “If she touches one hair on Shay’s head, I will break a splinter off in her ass.” Seeing Mindy so protective was kind of…sexy. “Don’t even ask what I’ll do if she touches you. Just know that she will have a date with a tree and chains while she watches the sun come up.” All I could do was nod my head in compliance. “Let’s get this over with.” We walked back to the other side of the bar where Shay sat to greet Crystal.

“Well, if it ain’t my old—” Mindy cleared her throat in warning, so I stopped her before she could finish.

“Cool it, Crystal. We need you to compel the girl at the bar.” I stood in front of Mindy, trying to block any eye contact between the two.

“Wow, straight to the point. No how are you, how have you been, or are you happy?” Crystal was trying me and she certainly got Mindy. Mindy was now next to me and shot me that try it look. I knew not to even bother. “You know it works better if I feed from her and…”

“Absolutely not! We’ll take our chances,” Mindy interjected, taking over.

“What’s in it for me?” Crystal cast a smile in my direction.

Mindy smiled. “Not a damn thing.”

“Then I’m bored and going home.” Crystal got up to leave, but I grabbed her arm to stop her.

“You owe me. I watched and guarded over you for years. Do this for me and I’ll ask nothing of you again.” I thought for sure I was about to lose my arm for touching her. She glanced at me, and then at Mindy. She would do it no matter what just because she’d get satisfaction out of helping Mindy’s friend. What she didn’t know was that the moment she left would be the last time Mindy would even think about her.

“Fine, but should you ask for anything else, I’ll be expecting…a payment.” She was smiling again and I felt Mindy’s rage swelling next to me.

“I’ll be sure to never let it happen again.” Mindy walked off, but motioned for

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