When the Bough Breaks (Rose Gardner Investigations #6) - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,51

your mind, I need you to do it now, Joe,” I whispered. “It will break my heart if you do, but I’d rather you do it now instead of after the baby’s born.”

He slowly shook his head. “I’m not changing my mind, Rose. I’m in this. I’m here.”

I knew he was, which made the next part even harder. “There’s something else you should know.”

Fear filled his eyes again, but it was quickly replaced by resolve. “Okay.”

“I’m scared James might try to lay claim to the baby.” Then I told him about the can of worms I’d opened in February.

He listened in silence. I waited for him to get angry, but instead, he asked, “Why didn’t you tell me sooner, Rose?”

“I didn’t want to worry you,” I said in a shaky voice.

“So you took the worry on yourself and left me out of it.”

“I was tryin’ to protect you, Joe.”

“Don’t you know that worryin’ is part of bein’ a parent?” Raw emotion flashed through his eyes…pain, fear. “By keepin’ the worry to yourself, you took part of my job as the baby’s father.”

Which was exactly what Neely Kate had told me. Somewhere along the line she’d gotten to know her brother well.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you, Joe. I was trying to keep from hurtin’ you.”

“Do you want Malcolm to be a father to this baby?” He swallowed. “Do you want me to step aside?”

I shook my head vigorously. “No. He hasn’t expressed any interest in the baby, and instead of telling me what he wanted when he refused to sign, he left me to stew and worry. Even Carter has no idea what he wants.” My voice broke. “I’m scared he’s gonna use this baby to hurt me for choosing it over him.”

“Did he say anything tonight?”

“No. I asked him why he wouldn’t sign the papers, but he ignored the question.”

Joe was quiet for several long seconds. “What do you want to do?”

“Jonah convinced me that pretendin’ it wasn’t a possibility wasn’t doin’ me a speck of good. It’s only makin’ me more anxious. A couple of months ago, he suggested I hire an attorney and prepare to protect myself, the baby, and you.” Joe’s eyes widened in surprise. “The attorney said it would be best to wait him out. If I sue for full rights, he might push back, and it would likely become public that James is the biological father.”

“So we wait,” he said, but the uneasiness in his eyes broke my heart.

“It might get hard, Joe. It could get ugly, and if it becomes public, it could ruin your career.”

“I don’t care about my job, Rose. I care about the baby.”

“Are you sure?” I whispered again, close to breaking down. “This is so much more than you bargained for, so if you change your mind, I understand.”

He cupped the side of my face. “I’m not changin’ my mind, Rose. If I’m honest, I’m scared to death that you’re gonna change yours. Especially after you saw him.”

I slowly shook my head. “He made his choice. I’m holdin’ him to it, not that he’s changin’ his mind.”

He studied my face for a moment, and determination filled his eyes. “I decided months ago that this baby is mine. I don’t care whose DNA makes up half of his genes. I’m his father, and I’ll do everything in my God-given power to protect him, even if it means protectin’ him from the man who helped create him.”

I smiled through my tears. “You’re so convinced this baby’s a boy. What if he looks like James?”

A fierce look filled his eyes. “I’ll still love him, Rose. I look like my own father, but I hope to God I’m nothin’ like him.”

I covered his hand with mine. “You’re not, Joe. You’re a good man.”

“The last thing I want you to worry about is that I’ll treat this baby unfairly because of his parentage.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face in his chest, thankful once again that I’d accepted his offer. “I don’t. If I’d had one speck of doubt, you wouldn’t be here now.”

We sat like that for a moment—my head nestled against him, his arm around my back, and his other hand resting on my huge belly between us.

The baby moved and he pulled back. “He kicked me. That was a strong one.”

I laughed, and he put his hand on my stomach as the baby moved again.

“He’s gonna be a football player,” Joe said.

“Not a chance,” I said. “I’m not

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