Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,88

believe you’re making a joke about this.”

“Would you rather I cry?”

“Never.” His expression turns more serious. “I can’t joke about it. You’re my whole life. Nothing that happened before we met matters or compares.”

“Chaser.” How do I respond to such a sweet sentiment? Void of words, I sigh and cuddle closer, resting my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me and I soak up his warmth.

“For the record, I love all the little noises you make.” He strokes his fingers over my shoulder. “I’m the one who makes you lose control. Forget where you are. It’s a huge rush. Excellent for my already giant ego.”

I bury my face against his chest, shaking with laughter. “You’re nuts.” I pull back and slap my hand over my mouth. “Oh my God.”

He raises an eyebrow. “What?”

“I told Andrew he might be in love with you. I think he actually considered the idea.”

“You, what?”

I give him the general gist of that part of our conversation. Chaser doesn’t seem to find it as funny as I do.

“Mallory, I want to give you all the experiences you desire but I couldn’t watch another man touch you and not beat him to death. Seriously.” He stops for a second and stares at the ceiling. “Nope. Couldn’t even do it with another female.”

“I thought that was every guy’s fantasy?”

“Maybe,” his fists clench, “but even thinking about it is pissing me off.”

“Besides hurting my feelings, I was really angry that he betrayed you that way, Chaser.”

“I’m not as shocked as I should be. He’s not wired right.”

“So we agree, no photoshoot? I’m not even calling him to say I’m not coming. Cindy can tell him.”

“No, we’re going.”

“We? No. This is…there will be other models there. A photographer. Cindy…You can’t.”

He rolls his lip. “Then he shouldn’t mind if I tag along. You said it yourself, Andrew and I are friends. It won’t seem weird.”

“He’s going to ask why you’re home when you’re supposed to be in Vancouver.”

“Yeah, interesting timing, huh? He just had to photograph those shirts while he knows I’m tied up in Vancouver.”

Damn, why hadn’t I looked at it the same way? “I’m such an idiot. He said the shirts just came in and I believed him.”

“You’re not an idiot. You’re a good person who doesn’t immediately assume others are being dishonest. But yeah, I bet he thought he’d talk you into bed and you’d spend the weekend with him.” He’s quiet for a second, considering his words. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I have a feeling when you show up tomorrow, no one else will be there.”

“I doubt that.”

“We’ll see.”

“No, he’s really excited about the shirts.” But even as I protest, I have a feeling Chaser’s right.

Chapter Forty-One


Irritation that Mallory talked me out of bringing my gun with me this morning still ripples down my spine as she parks her car in Andrew’s driveway.

We step out of the car and start walking up to the front door.

“Huh. Would you look at that?” I stop and do a slow exaggerated scan of the area. “We must be early. Not another vehicle in sight.”

“Smug’s an ugly color on you, Chaser,” she scolds.

I sweep my hand in front of me. “I’ll let you go in first.”

“Great,” she mutters, hesitating with her raised fist, about to knock. “You promise you’re not going to kill him?”

“I’ll do my best.”

“Why is that not comforting?” she grumbles as she raps her knuckles against the wood.

“Mallory!” Andrew’s goofy fucking voice reaches me in my tucked-out-of-view spot. “I didn’t think you were coming after…well, you know.” Is that a note of shame I detect in his voice? Doubtful.

“I wasn’t planning to,” she admits.

“Did you get the flowers?”

“Oh, yes.” She draws out the word with dramatic flair. “Biggest part of my night.”

“Look, I really am sorry. I’m so happy you’re here.”

I bet you are. Knowing Andrew, he probably assumes Mallory showing up today means she’s ready to hop into his bed. Just the thought is enough to propel me out of the shadows.

The happy expression slides off Andrew’s face as I step into view.

I flash a cocky motherfuckin’ grin at him. “How ya doin’, friend?”

“Chaser, what’re you doing here?” His gaze pings between Mallory and me for a few beats. “When did you get home?”

“Last night.”

“We had an eventful reunion,” Mallory adds, leaving it to up to Andrew to interpret anyway he wants.

I’m still thoroughly pissed that this asshole’s actions prompted such an ugly fight between Mallory and me. But at the

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