Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,89

same time, it was the push we needed to air out a few things I’d been avoiding.

Andrew opens the door wider, motioning me to come in. I limp my way across the threshold—those fucking painkillers have not been as effective as I’d anticipated. But I sure as fuck wasn’t bringing that cane with me.

“What’s up, bro?” The nervous wobble in Andrew’s voice almost makes me laugh. “You limping?”

“Cut up my foot. I’m fine.”

“Why aren’t you in Vancouver? Mark usually keeps that leash tight when you’re in the studio.”

“Yeah, I bet you were counting on that.”

Mallory may have talked me out of blowing Andrew’s brains out, but I never agreed not to be a dick.

“Where is everyone else?” Mallory asks, covering up the awkward silence.

Funny thing about Andrew—he’s honest to a fault. Something I once appreciated about him.

He’s also a terrible liar.

His shoulders jerk and his arms twitch. “Fucking flakes canceled on me. That’s cool, though. Glad you’re here, Chaser. You mind throwing on a few T’s for me?”

“Sure thing.” I glare at him, and he has the decency to look away. “Anything for my friend.”

“Cindy’s not here either?” Mallory persists.

“Well, I, uh, when everyone else said they weren’t coming…” he gestures wildly in Mallory’s direction, “…and I assumed you weren’t coming, I called her and canceled.”

“Oh.” Mallory’s gaze darts to me. I try to stop the told-you-so grin from forming but fail miserably. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

I jerk my thumb toward the kitchen. “You mind if I grab a glass of water?”

“Yeah, sure. Go ahead.” Andrew waves his hands in the air. “Whatever you need.”

My foot’s throbbing from all the activity. I’m dying to pop another pill. Plus, I’m curious. What will Andrew say to Mallory if I leave them alone together for a few seconds?

How much rope does he need to hang himself?


Andrew watches Chaser limp into the kitchen.

As soon as the swinging door stops moving, he turns to me. “Did you tell him?” he whispers in a low, urgent voice. “What I said? Jesus fuck, what are you trying to do to me?”

I give him a cool look. “What am I trying to do to you? Don’t blame me for your impulse control issues.”

“Why is he home?” He runs his hands through his hair. “He knows doesn’t he? You told him?”

“I can’t lie to him, Andrew. Look on the bright side. At least I talked him out of killing you for trying to kiss me.”

“Jesus fucking Christ, why would you tell him that?” He rakes his hands through his hair again and tugs on the ends. “He’s going to hate me now.”

“Did you honestly think if you broke us up, you two would remain buddies?”

“I didn’t want to break you up. I wanted to—”

“Fuck me. I remember.”

He leans down, so we’re eye to eye. “Why are you so insulted?” His desperate question pulls no sympathy from me. “You know how many girls beg to jump on my cock?”

“Andrew, I don’t know what kind of damage is in your past, but you really need to seek therapy.”

He scratches his head. “I see someone once a week.”

“Well, start going more often or find a new therapist.”

“I told her all about you.” He straightens up. “Fuck, I had to have an emergency session with her after you left yesterday.”


“She thinks I’m a sex addict.” A dark chuckle spills out of him. “She said it like it’s a bad thing.”

“You’re out of your mind.”

“Maybe. I also told you I’m in love with you,” he whispers. “Or did you forget that?”

If only I could fry him with the power of my eyes. “You’re not in love with me.”

“Trying to kiss my girl again, Andrew?” Chaser’s grim voice sends a shiver down my spine.

Andrew’s face pales. “Just talking,” he answers without turning around.

“Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of me. No need for secrets, buddy.”

“You going to shoot me now?” Andrew puts his arms in the air and turns around.

“That was my preference.” Chaser leans over and sets a glass of water on the coffee table. “Mallory talked me out of it for some reason.” He straightens up and points an imaginary finger gun Andrew’s way. “I’m always willing to reconsider.”

“Bro, not funny.” Andrew’s fingers brush against his bullet wound.

Chaser’s controlled his anger for an admirable amount of time, I have to admit. But he finally snaps.

Faster than his injured foot should allow, he rushes Andrew. His fist flies through the air. The punch slams into

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