Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,68

you know?”

His eyes light up. Maybe his artists usually say, “free cocaine and all-you-can-fuck pussy.”

“That’s it, Chaser! That’s why you do this. Not the fame, money, or girls. That stuff fades. But if you touch someone with your music.” He rests his hand over his heart. “You can make an impact on their entire life.”

Someone knocks on the door.

Guess our music therapy session is over.

Garrett and Alvin push open the door and join us. A few seconds later, Jacob enters, closing the door behind him.

“I have so much stuff, it’s insane.” He tosses his lyric book at me. “Whatever that was you kept playing over and over last night must have seeped into my brain.”

“The entire hot water tank of water you went through this morning didn’t help?”

“Oh, that too.” He cracks up and slaps my shoulder.

Mark steeples his fingers under his chin and looks us over “I’m glad you’re all here. I want to talk to you about something.”

We all lean in during his dramatic pause. Even me. It’s like with one conversation, Mark managed to anesthetize my inner cynic.

When he’s positive he’s captured our attention, Mark continues, “Have you ever considered contributing a song to a movie soundtrack?”

“Hell yeah,” Jacob pumps his fist in the air, “That’d be cool. Well, depending on the movie.”

“No sappy love songs,” Garrett adds.

Alvin casts a dubious look Jacob’s way. “No porno soundtracks, either.”

“Hey,” Jacob protests. He jumps up, thrusting his hips and screaming “bow-chicka-bang-bang” at the top of his lungs. “We would rock the fuck out of that.”

Mark slides his gaze my way and smirks. “Anyway, an offer like that would usually go through your label or manager but I have a friend who’s in a bit of a bind.”

“What kind of bind?” I ask.

“The band who was going to do the key song for this film flaked out at the last minute. Movie’s coming out soon, so they need a replacement like yesterday. The director’s a fan of Kickstart and a friend of mine. When he heard I was working with you, he asked if you’d be interested.”

“What about our album?” Garrett asks.

“Well, that’s just it. I figure we’re already here. We’re working on the album anyway. Let’s maybe see if we can come up with something. We can record it and send it on. You’ll get paid. Win-win. The timing and publicity from the movie will be great. Most likely right before your album releases.”

“What kind of movie?” Garrett asks.

“Big action flick. They want a strong, heart-pounding, adrenaline-pumping rock song. No love ballads or sappy ballads. This movie’s all car chases, flashy explosions, fight scenes, and special effects.”

I’ve heard enough. “I don’t see a downside here.”

“I’m in,” Alvin agrees.

“What’s our theme?” Jacob asks.

My mouth twitches but I bite back my laughter. Now I understand why Mark chose today to have his conversation with me.

“Well, it’s an action flick. But there’s a central love story too.”

Jacob groans but I’m even more intrigued. And once he names the director and lead actor, we’re all sold.

This could be huge.

I can’t wait to call Mallory and tell her about it.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


After the night out at the Cathouse, Pamela and I seem to have called some sort of truce. We’re almost like…friends.

“Goodness gracious, it’s like the writers have no respect for normal plot rules.” She bumps my shoulder and giggles on our way out of the studio. “Demonic possession? Poor Billie. They’re going to make her spew pea soup.”

“Eww.” I glance over my shoulder to make sure no one’s within earshot. The coast is clear, but I still keep my voice low. “I can’t decide if we’re on Gilligan's Island or Tales from the Darkside lately.”

“Dang right,” she agrees.

Our camaraderie lasts all the way out to the parking lot.

As we approach our vehicles, my gaze lands on a big black and red Harley parked beside my car and my heart skips. It doesn’t even look that much like Chaser’s bike but it’s another reminder of how much I miss him.

“What the heck?” Pamela mutters. “Why is Andrew here?”

I glance around, then realize he’s on the bike, helmet tucked under his arm. He waves to us.

Well, this is awkward. He’s parked so close to my car, it’s impossible to quietly turn invisible and give them privacy.

“Why are you here, Andrew?” Pamela stops by the front wheel and crosses her arms over her chest. The hopeful note in her voice pricks my heart.

Oh, Pamela, he’s not worth the heartache.

Andrew’s gaze lingers on her breasts for a few

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