Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,31

standing, I can’t tell if their rowdy welcome calms or intensifies Alvin’s nerves.

Chaser tugs me forward. “Kiss for luck,” he murmurs.

Our lips meet. Pressured to get on stage or not, Chaser takes his time. Softly, gently, and thoroughly, he slides his lips against mine. I curl my hands in his T-shirt and tug. He cups my face and kisses me harder, slipping his tongue between my lips, stroking against mine. He tastes like mint gum and something sweeter.

Before we get carried away and he misses his show, I pull away, blinking up at him. “Good luck,” I whisper.

“I don’t need luck. I have you.” He presses a quicker kiss to my forehead before strolling onto the stage, hands above his head, waving to everyone.

The audience goes wild. Many, many females screaming declarations of their devotion can be heard above the crowd’s more ordinary exuberance.

I give Garrett a quick pat on the back before he goes out.

Ignoring Thom’s pleas to “hurry up and get out there,” Jacob stops in front of me. “Will you be mad if I bring you out during ‘Candy Jar’?” He tips his head in Stump’s direction. “With your father-in-law here and all, I don’t want to embarrass you.”

How far we’ve come. A few months ago, I don’t think Jacob would’ve given my feelings a second thought. I reach up and smooth his wayward hair into place. “If you guys want me out there tonight, I’ll do it.”

“You’re the best,” he calls over his shoulder while jogging onto the stage.

The familiar beat of Alvin’s drum hushes the crowd. I move over to Stump’s side. “We can watch from the front of the stage if you want a better view,” I offer.

Robbie assured me earlier he’d keep an area clear for Chaser’s family. Unfortunately, it’s really close to the pit where fans are pressed up tight to the metal fencing corralling them away from the stage. A few people recognize me and wave. Some guy reaches over the fence, hooks his sausage fingers in my vest, and yanks, pulling me off-balance.

“Get the fuck off her!” Tally swoops in behind me and shoves the guy.

A security guard for the venue rushes over, jumping the barrier and tackling sausage fingers to the floor.

Tally glares into the crowd defiantly, daring anyone to test him.

“I’m okay,” I assure Tally, yanking him away from the crowd before things get volatile.

Stump scowls at the security guards now dragging the man away. “People bother you like that every night?” he shouts.

“I usually stay backstage.”

He grunts and motions for me to walk in front of him.

Robbie nods when he spots us and waves us into a darkened space right below the stage. Chaser’s on the opposite side so even craning our necks, we only get a glimpse of him every now and then.

“Can we go back and watch from where we were?” Stump shouts between songs.


I lead them through the darkened corridor, this time safely sandwiched between Stump and Tally. I smile up at Tally. “I could get used to this. Makes me wish you guys were with us all the time.”

He chuckles. “If they get a bigger budget for their next tour, Chaser can hire some of his brothers for security.”

“He’d probably prefer that. People he fully trusts. Robbie’s been great but—”

“He’s not a brother,” Tally finishes for me.

“Right.” We return to the backstage area. Andrew’s busy with his usual pre-show gaggle of groupies but he waves when he sees me.

“What about you? You all right out in Hollywood?” Tally asks. “They sure print some vicious shit about you.”

His gaze slides toward Andrew and shame heats my skin. Tally wouldn’t bother reading stupid Hollywood gossip magazines, would he? Did he see the ridiculous articles claiming I was running around with Andrew behind Chaser’s back? Does he think I’d cheat on Chaser?

“Anything to sell their shitty tabloids,” I answer.

He nods but still seems troubled.

I can’t worry about it now. I’d rather enjoy Chaser’s last show than worry about the things I can’t control back in L.A.

“Is this better?” I ask Stump.

“I remember them playing this at the clubhouse!” Stump shouts in my ear.

As cool as he pretends to be, it’s obvious he’s bursting with pride while he watches his son on stage.

“I’m so happy you were able to come see them. I know Chaser’s happy you’re here.”

He shrugs. “I worried we’d make him nervous, but he seems to be in his element.” A note of sadness creeps into his voice.

“We’re both looking forward to coming home

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