Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,30

him in the air a few times before setting him down. “Long time, motherfucker.”

Stump shakes Alvin’s hand and pulls him in for a thump on the back. “Look good, kid. Miss ya.”

“Thanks, Pop.” Alvin grins. “I’m so stoked you’re here tonight.”

Tally eyes Chaser for a few seconds before greeting me with a, “Hey, hon.” He leans over and presses a quick peck on my cheek. “Good to see you.”

“You too. How was your ride down here?”


Chaser shows the guys to the buffet and introduces his father to Robbie and Thom.

Someone taps my hip and I turn to find Andrew. “You didn’t tell me Chaser’s dad was a biker,” he whispers, his eyes darting around the room. “And his whole family.”

I peer up at a him. “Was I supposed to?”

“No. I mean. That’s cool. I didn’t realize. The guys we met up with to go to the Palm, you know for Audrey, they were. Same club. I just didn’t realize…family.”

Somehow I manage to follow his word salad. Since I’m not exactly sure how to answer, I shrug. “Stump’s a good man.”

“Stump?” Andrew screws up his face and stares at Chaser’s dad. “The guy’s built more like a redwood tree.”

“Please don’t say that to him, Andrew,” I caution.

“I mean it in a nice way.”

I pat his shoulder. “I’m sure you do.”

After everyone’s eaten, we end up walking down the hallway to watch the roadies set up the stage for Kickstart.

“This is a far cry from those small bar stages you used to play,” Stump says with a proud thump on Chaser’s back.

“No kidding. Someone else gets to set up and break it all down too.” To anyone else, Chaser probably seems completely at ease but I can’t help noticing his jittery hands at his sides, drumming against his jeans. I wrap my fingers around his, calming his restless tapping and he smiles down at me.

“Oh, Dad.” Chaser motions Andrew closer. “This is my friend, Andrew. Andrew, this is my father.”

Andrew ambles forward, almost shy compared to how he normally behaves, and sticks out his hand. “Chaser always says such good things about you, Mr. Adams. Happy to finally meet you. I’m in the headlining band.”

Unimpressed, Stump stares at Andrew’s hand for a few seconds before shaking it.

“Your son is totally rad, Mr. Adams,” Andrew continues, apparently eager to win Stump over. “We’ve worked together on a few pieces and he’s brilliant.”

“Well, I’ve never heard that before.” Stump rumbles with laughter and elbows Chaser.

“Ha. Ha.” Chaser rolls his eyes.

Stump eyes Andrew up and down. “You’re the one who got him into all the trouble in Texas.”

Andrew clasps his hands in front of him and meets Stump’s intimidating stare. “Yes, sir. Got him out of the trouble as soon as I could too.”

Stump grumbles at him.

“Wasn’t Andrew’s fault, Dad,” Chaser says.

“They ever catch the fool who shot you?” Stump asks Andrew.

“No, sir.” He scratches the side of his head. “I haven’t exactly been eager to get in touch with the cops though, either.”

Now, that, I think, Stump admires. He gives Andrew a half-smile.

“Did I pass the test?” Andrew whispers to Chaser after Stump drifts a few steps away.

“You’re still breathing, so that’s a good sign.” Chaser slaps him on the back. “I need to go get rigged up.” He nods to me. “Are you okay out here?”

“I’ll be fine.” I glance around the backstage area. I’m surrounded by half of Kickstart, a bunch of bikers, and Andrew. “No one will bother me.”

He leans in and kisses my cheek before running off in search of his guitar tech.

“Is Chaser’s dad always so friendly?” Andrew whispers to me.

“I don’t know. He likes me.”

“You’re too sweet not to like,” he teases.

I’m too wired for the show to scold Andrew for the flirty comment. It won’t matter anyway.

Instead, I take a second to check on Alvin. He can’t seem to stop pacing. More than his usual pre-show nerves. I stop him and pull him in for a quick good luck hug. “You’re going to be amazing.”

One corner of his mouth lifts. “Huge crowd tonight.”

I’m not sure if he means here backstage or the audience out front already chanting Kickstart’s name.

Andrew slaps him on the back, almost knocking him over. “You got this!”

“Thanks, man.”

A DJ from one of the local rock stations announces Kickstart tonight. The guys line up without Jacob.

“Where is he?” I ask Chaser.

“He’s coming.”

“Literally,” Garrett adds.

“Gross,” I mutter.

“That’s my boy!” Andrew cheers.

Alvin runs on stage first. The crowd’s exuberant shouts shake the walls. From where I’m

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