What I Would Do For You - W. Winters Page 0,13

down my spine.

Clearing my throat, I question her, “What is it that you want me to do? How are we handling this?” Although my voice is strong and I’m able to stand tall, crossing my arms at my belly and still gripping the paper, I feel anything but when Claire looks me in the eyes again.

“Someone’s looking into your background. We were alerted to the files being opened, including cold cases.”

Chills flow down my arms and I stand there breathless, expertly maintaining my composure.

“You can’t believe the press—” I didn’t read it all, but the first line suggests that I’m either incompetent or mishandling cases. I have no doubt that the journalist is good friends with Jill Brown.

“That report is nothing but the product of a wild imagination and a witch hunt,” Claire says confidently, cutting me off.

“Exactly.” Stress pushes down my shoulders as I respond. “They can just say whatever they want and we … what?”

She nods, continuing before I can make my own guess. “We assume someone is doing an exposé on a member of the Assistant Attorney General’s office. A member with an impeccable record, but whatever ghosts you’re hiding, I think you should prepare for them to come to light.”

“Is there really nothing else they have to write about? Especially given that I’ve closed how many cases? My reputation is solid and one of the best on this team.”

“It’s not just work,” Claire says then looks behind me at the two picture frames on my desk. “They will turn over every rock.”

“I don’t have anything to hide.” A tingling heat spreads over my skin, denying what I said. But I don’t have anything to hide. “I haven’t done anything wrong. I’ve never mishandled anything.”

“I know. We can’t have that here.”

A bitter vein of offense laces my voice when I answer her, “I’m aware of that. They can write whatever article they’d like. They can drag me through the dirt. It’ll last for a moment until I win a trial and another. Or until they have something more interesting to write about.”

The cords in Claire’s thin neck tighten as she swallows. “Is there anything at all that they would find, Delilah? I’m asking as a friend.”

Hearing my boss call me by my first name is …. unsettling. The defenses I’d thrown up crumble at the tip-top and my composure slips for just a moment, the tiredness pulling my gaze down and the pain in my back and shoulders creeping to the surface.

“Being the enemy of the press is a vulnerable place to be,” she warns and when our gazes meet in the silence of the office, other than the ticking of the clock and my own racing heartbeat, she adds, “I should know.”

“There’s nothing for them to find. I’ve had a boring life and I’ve done everything by the book.”

Claire looks away, nodding. “Well then, it will be a boring piece and they won’t be able to find anything. Maybe there will be no article.”

No article. Please, God, no article.

“Right,” I answer and that seems to be when Claire finally notices I’m in my coat. The thick fabric makes me feel that much hotter under her scrutiny.

“Early lunch?” she questions.

“Just need another coffee,” I comment and inwardly scold myself for lying. If only she picked up the thin cardboard cup on my desk, she’d know just how full it was.


“Have a good night then,” I say and lift my glass in salute as Aaron leaves the high table in the corner of the bar, giving me a short wave before he slips the leather jacket around his broad shoulders and heads for the door for a smoke.

“You too, Jones,” he answers but I barely hear him over the chatter in the packed place. It’s busy for a Saturday night and I focus on every face except for his. Every single one, taking them in, watching the way they speak, some of them a little too close as they whisper, some laughing so loud and genuinely that wrinkles form around their eyes.

I take them in like I took in the evidence of the case this morning, distracted and not seeing it at all.

Because Cody Walsh is right there, not even ten feet from me and he’s been there all night, but he hasn’t spared me a glance.

His phone has eaten up most of his attention and right now he’s having what looks to be a very interesting conversation with someone I’m unfamiliar with. He’s avoiding me. It’s plain

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