Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,9

sacred robes.”

“Are you sure it won’t hurt her?” I whispered the question. “Her skin seems to be rather delicate. Even a swim in the Xelxar river caused her skin to burn.”

“She will be fine,” Grindeem assured me before he motioned for both of us to step inside the church, “for the robe only burns those who wish to cause harm to our great way of life.”

“It’s so heavy,” Rachel murmured as she stood a few feet away from me, her hands adjusting the sides of the robe that was so loose on her frame it seemed to drape down her skin. “Why is everything so heavy here?”

“Because Xelxar was made by the strong, for the strong,” I answered, unable to tear my gaze away from her. “It has its ways of weeding out and punishing the weak among us.”

“That sounds…” Rachel once again shifted the robe around her frame. “Kind of fucked up, actually.”

“In a good way?” I asked. “Or a bad way?”

“…A bad way,” she admitted before letting the robe fall around her, throwing her hands up in the air with palpable frustration. “That’s it! I’m done!”

“Don’t give up so easily, little warrior,” I said, as I walked over to her, taking the robe into my own grip. It was glittering and gold, its fabric pairing nicely with Rachel’s lighter skin, the effect being extremely pleasing to the eye. I then pulled the robe down toward her stomach, revealing her chest, her breasts spilling out from the fabric.

And almost as soon as her chest was exposed to me, Rachel brought her hands back up toward her chest, covering up her skin as best as she could.

“You don’t want me to see?” I murmured as I slid the robe back up toward her shoulders, arranging it on her frame so it might be more comfortable against her skin.

And Rachel’s cheeks went red, seemingly in response. “I just…I’ve never been comfortable with being looked at that way.”

“Looked at in what way?” I asked.

“The way that you look at me.”

“And how would you describe the way I look at you?” I was curious to hear her answer as I walked back over to my side of the ceremony.

“You look at me like…” Rachel shook her head before she finished with her thoughts. “Wexxon, you look at me like you’re going to eat me alive.”

I chuckled at her response, amused by her estimation. “I would never harm you, Rachel Waters. But maybe you’re right about the way I look at you. You’ll have to forgive me for being excited to taste you.”

“…To taste me?” Rachel repeated the phrase, her tone seeming puzzled. “Wait. You’re not going to, like, slice me open and—”

“No more of that profane talk in Xelxar’s house,” Grindeem interrupted our conversation as he came to stand in front of us both. “You two can save that for when you’re privately consummating the marriage.”

“Consummating the marriage—” Rachel started.

But Grindeem interrupted yet again, turning his attention over toward me. “Great warrior, Wexxon the Great, is this the female of your choosing?”

“Yes,” I quickly answered the question, without a moment of hesitation. “Yes, Rachel Waters is the female of my choosing.”

“Rachel Waters,” Grindeem said as he turned to look over at her. “Is this the male of your choosing? The father of your future offspring? The builder of your life?”

“I…” Rachel shifted on the balls of her feet, leaning one way and then the other. “Yes. Wexxon is…he’s the male of my choosing.”

Grindeem nodded after her response, his hands reaching deep into his white robe. A few seconds later, he produced two small blades, their edges sharp and ready.

He then calmly handed a blade to each of us before he spoke again. “May you mark each other as your own, so you will always know that you belong to one another. And let this mark be the mark of a lifetime, matching in shape, so that you may never fight against one another in the arena, nor for the rest of your lives.”

I offered a smile over at Rachel, who was turning the blade over in her hands, confusion evident from her frame. I then took a few steps closer to her, positioning the blade in her grip right-side up as I looked down into her eyes.

“Where can I mark you?” I murmured. “I do not wish to hurt you, but I am utterly unfamiliar with your anatomy. Where can I use the blade on you and it won’t hurt?”

“…Nowhere.” Rachel was quietly

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