Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,8

anything, Wexxon.”

Rachel’s eyes then welled with tears again as she looked over at me. “I’m scared. I’m so scared.”

“Do not be scared, little warrior,” I instructed. “No harm will ever come to you. Do you understand? Once you are mine, I will not let anyone lay a hand on you.”

“I don’t…” Rachel started to speak again, although this time she was interrupted by her own sniffling. “Fuck.”

“What does that word mean?”

“What word?” Rachel asked. “Fuck?”

“Yes. That one.” I smiled. “It seems to be fully embedded into your vocabulary, and my translator isn’t providing any definition.”

“You’re…using a translator?”

“Always,” I answered before pointing toward the side of my neck. “All citizens of Xelxar are implanted with translators when we are first born.”

“…Wait. Translator. Oh God. Oh my God!” Rachel’s face suddenly brightened. “Why didn’t I realize it sooner? If we’ve been communicating this whole time, that means you have to know what English is, right? Does that mean you know what Earth is, too?”

“Afraid not, little warrior,” I replied. “The translator works by sorting out the vibrations in your tone and doing its best to estimate your full language and replicate it back in my own. I’d argue that we have the most advanced translators in the galaxy, but sometimes, it does fail, such as with your word fuck.”

I then pressed her again as I kept my gaze trained on her own. “So, what does it mean?”

“I don’t really know if I can summarize…” She paused for a moment, her expression turning somber before she went on. “Um, it can mean a lot of different things. Sometimes it can be a good thing. Sometimes it’s a bad thing.”

“Interesting.” I let out a thoughtful noise. “I wonder how many other eccentricities you’re hiding away from me, little warrior.”

“I wouldn’t say that I’m hiding anything from you,” she murmured, pulling her arms tighter across her naked chest.

And I warmly smiled at her joke, even as a moment of pure rage flashed through my veins. I’d been careful to take the backroads to the church, not wanting anyone else to see my future wife like this, naked and slightly shivering. And I knew that if we did happen to come across anyone, even if it was an old friend, I would’ve had to kill them in the street for glancing at what was mine, even if they’d never intended to.

Which meant that the faster we got to the church, the better.

“…Wexxon?” Grindeem pulled open the church door with a confused look already on his face. “You? At church? What are the odds?”

“Greetings, Grindeem.” I smiled over at him. Grindeem was just as old as he was wise, his age showing in the crinkles of his skin. He was also smooth of all scars, a sign that he was never born for the arena, his intelligence or his wealth giving him another option outside of a warrior’s path.

There was a time when I would’ve hated Grindeem for that, for somehow being allowed to escape the fate of violence without mercy. But now, I only felt pity for him, realizing that he’d never had a chance to prove himself as a worthy adversary to anyone, that he’d be forgotten in the history books, nothing more than a citizen who once ran the church.

“You look well, old friend,” Grindeem continued. “But tell me, what do I owe this honor? I believe that warriors such as yourself only darken a church’s doorstep in an hour of great need, but I am unaware of you ever needing anything.”

“I wish to be married by tonight,” I replied before I nodded over toward where Rachel stood. “She will be my bride.”

“Her?” Grindeem seemed confused all over again. “But Wexxon, she is clearly not of Xelxar. Wouldn’t a great warrior like you prefer to have a family with one of our own? Exotic wives might be fine for a lesser warrior, but—”

“She is the one I want to wed, Grindeem,” I cut him off as he spoke. “And the longer we are unwed, the more I feel my anger build inside—”

“Which is how you know she is yours.” Grindeem sighed before offering me a light smile. “For Xelxar males only feel such irritation when they are taken with a female. Ah. The telltale sign of love at first sight. Long live the connection of Xelxar.”

Grindeem then sighed again before he went on. “Fine. I’ll help you wed. But I do not marry females without clothes. She will have to borrow one of the

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