Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,51

unseen weapons detectors in every hall. Which means that it’s going to take a lot more than smart to ever, ever end my life.”

“Reddin, please,” Wexxon begged, something I’d never thought I’d see him do for as long as we lived. “Don’t harm her. Please. She’s not part of this. She’ll never be part of this—”

“Again, brother, must you make me out to be such a monster?” Reddin scoffed. “As I said before, I’m not going to harm my future wife. Not without reason.”

Reddin then turned to look over at Wexxon before he went on. “However, I am going to use her as leverage.”

“Leverage?” Wexxon murmured. “Leverage for what?”

“For you to finally take me on in the arena,” Reddin explained. “For you to finally give me the chance I deserve to regain my honor.”

“The arena masters would never accept it,” Wexxon replied. “They would never accept you using my own wife as blackmail against me for a rematch—”

“I do not care about the arena masters.” Reddin sighed. “They’ve bored me to tears for years. No, my dear brother, the arena I speak of is here.”

“…You have an arena?”

“It wasn’t hard to build.” Reddin shrugged. “Now, the audience may not be the size you’re used to, but I’m sure the sound of your head leaving your body will sound the same to you, regardless of who’s cheering in the stands.”


“Spare me your excuses,” Reddin cut Wexxon off before he had a chance to finish his response. “I’ll make your choice simple. Either you will fight against me in the arena or your Rachel will.”

“Then it’ll be me.” Wexxon’s tone was deadly serious. “If you must force my hand, brother, I will be the one to end your life.”

“Finally!” Reddin excitedly clapped. “Now that wasn’t so difficult, was it?”

Reddin then turned his attention back to me before he spoke again. “Did you hear that, future wife? Your husband will be dead in the morning.”

“Reddin. Please. Think about what you’re doing—” I started, even though I knew my words would fall on deaf ears.

And Reddin held up a hand, motioning for me to stop speaking. “I am not a cruel man at heart, my Rachel. I will at least allow you two to enjoy your final night in private. If you need anything from me, all you have to do is scream.”

Reddin lightly chuckled before he casually walked out of the room, a silver door sliding shut right behind him.

“Wexxon…Wexxon…” I was weeping before I even knew it, my hands going toward the fabric that bound his wrists. “I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…”

“What are you apologizing for, my little warrior?” Wexxon smiled down at me. “You did nothing wrong.”

“I shouldn’t have made you leave the bedroom,” I said, my fingers feebly pulling at the bindings. “If you would’ve been there, he never could’ve pulled me out of the bed. You never would’ve let him take me—”

“None of that is your fault,” Wexxon replied. “And if you hold onto that as your guilt, you will only poison yourself for years to come.”

“And if I have to watch you die, I won’t have any years to come.” A sob tore through my frame as I spoke. “Wexxon…I don’t…I don’t know if I can live without you.”

“What are you saying, Rachel?” Wexxon’s voice fell to a whisper.

“I’m saying that I love you,” I whispered right back, my hands going up toward either side of Wexxon’s face. “I’m in love with you, Wexxon. And I’m such an idiot for not realizing it before. I was just…I was just scared of moving on, of letting go of how I thought my life was going to turn out. But all that did for me was hold me back from being happy, from enjoying every minute I had with you—”

“We will have so much more time in the future, my Rachel.” Wexxon smiled over at me again. “We’ll have so many days and nights of me devoted to you, of me proving how much I love you—”

“How can you say that and be so sure?” I moved my hands away from his wrists before I lifted myself into his lap, soon settling against his frame. “Wexxon, you have to know that he’s going to use every trick in the book. He’s not…he doesn’t want to play fair. He just wants to hurt you. He just wants to hurt me.”

“I know.” Wexxon somberly nodded. “But that’s the thing about my brother. When he’s desperate to win, that is when he’s mostly likely

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