Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,50

I couldn’t believe I’d been so fucking dumb.

Wexxon was mine, and now, I knew that for sure, the true understanding of our connection only appearing to me in what could’ve been our final moments, the last time either of us was alive at the same time.

“I only asked you what positions your soft thing of a wife liked to be pleasured in.” Reddin scoffed after he spoke. “If I am to marry her and take over your castle, would it not be easier for her if she was at least sexually satisfied?”

“She will never be yours, Reddin.” Wexxon’s tone was calm. “No matter how much you rape her and call it a union.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, brother.” Reddin chuckled. “I’m not going to have to rape your Rachel. After she sees me defeat you in the arena, she’s going to beg me for it. She’s going to happily spread her legs for me.”

“…What happened to you, Reddin?” Wexxon’s question sounded so genuine, his concern lining his every word. “You could’ve lived a life after what happened in the arena. Palqeet still loved you. She loves you, even now—”

“Do not speak to me about Palqeet—”

“She still hasn’t married,” Wexxon continued. “She claims that she’s just taking her time, but we all know that is untrue. She’s still waiting for you, Reddin. I think she yearns for you so much that she’d wait for you for the rest of her life—”

“Then let her wait for me until the suns burn out!” Reddin shouted. “Let her wait for me until her womb turns to dust! Until the moons fall out of the sky!”

“You don’t mean what you say, Reddin—”

“You don’t think that I loved her, too? That I loved her just as much as you love your Rachel?” Reddin’s voice broke as he screamed. “Do you not understand how you’ve marked me, brother? What you turned me into the day you did not take my life? I could never be with a female like Palqeet after your act of mercy. Her family would’ve never seen me as worthy.”

Reddin’s raving paused for a moment before he went on. “You took everything from me that day, Wexxon. And then you were praised for it. You went on to have the crowds sing your name. You were turned into a God amongst men. And what was I left with?”

Reddin paused again, almost like he was waiting on Wexxon to answer the question. But soon enough, Reddin answered the question himself, his tone seeming to shake with his rage. “All you left me with was my mind, brother, after you broke my spirit. But I knew that someday, I’d be able to get back to you. Either through sending warriors into the arena or—”

“Or by sending children to wound me before battle?” Wexxon suggested. “A coward’s preferred move, to be sure.”

“The child had no intention of mortally wounding you.” Reddin scoffed. “But you’re right. I did send him to harm you. I needed you to be wounded—”

“Because you wanted to shame me in the eyes of the arena? Because you wanted me to fall? To fail?”

“No,” Reddin answered. “Because I needed a day or two to figure out how to gain entry into your castle. And I knew that if you’d been wounded in battle, you’d hole up in one of your bedrooms. You always preferred to recover alone, which meant I’d have time to assess the castle grounds. Your warriors are proficient, brother, but they are not you. And you are the only warrior I’ve ever truly feared.”

“And now, you intend to kill me.”

“Kill you? Now?” Reddin darkly chuckled again. “Oh, no, brother. Killing you right now would be far too easy.”

Reddin went quiet then, almost like he’d disappeared from the room entirely.

But a moment later, his hand was gripping into my hair, roughly pulling the strands as he dragged me from the hall and into the room that he shared with Wexxon.

“Rachel!” Wexxon called out for me, his hands and feet bound to a chair. “Let her go! Don’t hurt her! She is pregnant with our child—”

“Do you really think I’d injure my stepchild?” Reddin asked before he reached down toward my dress, slipping the knife I’d hidden into his own palm. He then offered me a smirk before he crouched down toward me, meeting me face to face.

“You’re a smart woman, Rachel Waters,” he started. “But unfortunately for you, my technology beats smart every time. I have secret cameras all over my home, and

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