The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,40

the smell of the doughnuts.”

“Well, I’m starting breakfast as soon as we get in, so it won’t be long before you can eat. If you want more than a doughnut, that is.” He parked in his reserved spot.

“I do. What are you making?”

“The usual. Bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, home fries, and biscuits. Might do a side of sausage gravy since we have company.”

Her mouth came open. “You don’t really make all that food.”

“I do. I have a whole station of big eaters to feed.” He got out of the truck and took his boxes off the back seat.

She did the same. “Are they all supernaturals?”

He shook his head. “It’s a mix on every shift. Probably like the sheriff’s department is. But those who aren’t supernaturals seem to eat just as much.”

“No wonder you cook such a spread. You want help?”

“I never turn it down.” Being in the kitchen with her would be interesting. Hopefully in a good way.

They headed toward the building and went in through the regular door, since the big garage doors at the back and front weren’t open yet. They allowed the trucks to pull straight in and straight out, cutting down on response times.

A little conversation and the smell of coffee greeted them. As they walked farther in, Titus made an announcement to all within earshot. “Fair warning. Guest on the premises.”

Jenna looked at him. “Did they really need a warning?”

“Sure. What if one of them was shirtless?”

She sighed with playful exasperation. “If I could drive back to your house and change, I would.”

“Not a chance I’m letting that happen.” He headed into the station’s big communal kitchen. “Men, this is Deputy Jenna Blythe. Some of you probably know her already. She’s going to be with us for a little bit.”

Jenna followed him and was greeted by six curious faces. Two she knew pretty well from seeing them at Howler’s. The first was Sam Kincaid, who was also Bridget’s boyfriend. The second was Liam Murphy. She knew him because they’d been in the same CPR recertification class. Sam was a werewolf. Liam had a little bit of leprechaun in him, which made him extra good at finding things and unbelievably lucky.

She knew two others in passing—Frank Childers and Skip Mulvaney. They were old-timers, good guys, both human, although Skip was married to a woman named Jeanie, who was a crossing guard and a weather witch. The remaining two she didn’t know at all.

She gave a little wave. “Hey.”

Titus introduced the two unfamiliar faces first. “This is Brenden Nguyen and Kurt Amsler.”

Each nodded as Titus said his name.

Brenden spoke. “Are you Tessa Blythe’s sister?”

“I am. You know Tessa?”

“Not really, but my sister goes to Harmswood, and I know Tessa’s the dean of library studies over there.”

Jenna smiled. She was proud of her sister. “She is.”

Kurt came over to get the doughnuts, taking the boxes from Titus and Jenna. He gave her a longer-than-usual look, then glanced at Titus. “Three dozen today? Does that mean you have bad news?”

Titus shook his head. “Third dozen is from the deputy.”

“Hey, thanks,” Frank said. “We always run out of doughnuts too fast.”

“Not today,” Jenna said.

Titus hung his keys on a pegboard by the door. “If you have time to lean, you have time to clean. Trucks need washing. Floors need mopping. Toilets need scrubbing. Let’s get the doors open. Don’t make me find work for you to do. Breakfast in thirty.”

Liam raised his hand, his smirk hard to ignore. “Chief, one question.”

“Yes?” Titus said.

Liam glanced at Jenna. “Are we allowed to keep our shirts on?”

Titus laughed while Jenna rolled her eyes. “Until Real American Firefighters starts filming here, shirts will remain on. Now get moving.”

And just like that, the men scattered with a chorus of “Yes, Chief,” and “On it, Chief.”

Jenna snorted. “It’s good to be the boss.”

“Takes a lot to keep this place running right.” He went over to a rack on the wall and took down two aprons. He threw one to her. “Put this on. We have work of our own to do, Deputy.”

“You Merrows are all alike. So bossy.” But she put it on all the same. Maybe happy to hide her T-shirt for a little while.

“You can always leave.” Grinning, he tied his, then headed for the big stainless-steel fridge that looked like an industrial version. He yanked the door open and started collecting ingredients.

“You need help?”

“Sure. Take these.” He handed her two dozen eggs and a big package each of sausages and bacon. He came Copyright 2016 - 2024