The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,39

even know I brought it.”

“Serendipitous, then, considering where you’re spending the day.”

She looked unimpressed. “I don’t suppose there’s any chance we can go back so I can change?”

He shook his head. “Sorry, too late. I have a schedule to keep.”

He could just see her squinting at him. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”

“This is my schedule every morning.”

“I mean you didn’t say anything in the kitchen so that I wouldn’t change.”

She wasn’t wrong. “How did you not see what shirt you had on?”

She sighed. “I was focused on getting ready on time. And drinking my coffee. I didn’t want to make you late.”

He gave her points for that. He hadn’t needed to prod her once. But she seemed the kind of person who liked to be early anyway. “I appreciate that. Almost as much as I appreciate the shirt.”

She crossed her arms and stared straight ahead. “I’m going to hear about this all day, aren’t I?”

“If it’s a slow day, there’s a good chance it’ll be the main topic of conversation. Sorry, not sorry.” He snorted. “How did you end up with that shirt?”

“Tessa gave it to me for my last birthday.”

“Your sister has a wicked sense of humor. As gag gifts go, that ranks right up there.”

“Not a gag gift.” She gave him a quick side-eye. “It’s actually my favorite reality show.”

“Really?” So she liked firemen after all. How about that? “I would have figured you for a Live PD fan.”

She shrugged. “I live that every day. I don’t need to watch it on TV. Besides, Real American Firefighters isn’t…well, they don’t just follow the firefighters on calls.”

“No,” he said, trying hard not to laugh again. “I understand they also show the men working out and washing the trucks. Often shirtless.”

“That’s not all they show.”

“Right. Didn’t they also show them posing for a calendar once?”

She glared at him.

He snickered as he made the turn toward Zombie Donuts. “Come on, you have to admit it’s amazing how often those guys aren’t wearing shirts. But then, I suppose that’s why the show is so popular with certain viewers.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She tipped her head. “How exactly do you know so much about this show?”

“You can’t be a fireman and not know about it.” He pulled into the parking lot and found a space. “I just hope you won’t be too disappointed at the firehouse today.”

She frowned at him as she unclicked her seat belt. “About what?”

He turned the truck off, barely holding his laughter in. “We’ll all have our shirts on.”

She rolled her eyes at him and opened her door. “Just for that, you’re buying me a muffin.”

“I’d be happy to.” He got out of the truck. “If it means I get to keep my shirt on.”

She snort-laughed. “You’re sooo funny.”

He shut the door and met her at the front of the truck. “I really am. Come on, let’s get some doughnuts.”

They went in and got in line. The place was busy, but the line moved fast. In a few minutes, they were at the counter.

One of the workers, Bess, greeted them with a nod. “Good morning, Chief. The usual two dozen?”

“Morning, Bess. Yes, two dozen,” Titus answered. “How about one dozen Glazed From The Dead, then mix the other one between Boston Scream, Boo-berry Cake, Dr Prepper, and… What’s your doughnut of the day?”

“Today’s doughnut is the Reaper. It’s a chocolate cake doughnut with a raspberry sugar glaze.”

“Sounds great. Throw a few of them in, too, please.”

“You got it.” She went to work filling the order.

Jenna tipped her head as she looked at all the doughnuts on display. “Those all sound good. Now I’m not sure I want a muffin anymore.” She glanced at him. “How about I buy a dozen too? Any chance that’ll get me less grief about the T-shirt?”

Her generosity would definitely be appreciated, but nothing was going to stop the guys from ribbing her over that shirt. “Maybe a little, but that shirt isn’t an opportunity they’re going to pass up.”

“Worth a shot.” When Bess came back, Jenna smiled at her. “I’ll take a dozen, too, please. Three each of Scary Cherry, Death By Chocolate, Cinnamon Ghost Crunch, and Marshmallow Mummy.”

Bess got Jenna’s dozen together. She and Titus paid, then headed back to the truck. The boxes went on the back seat, but that didn’t stop them from filling the cab with their delicious aromas.

By the time they got to the station, Jenna’s stomach had growled twice.

“Hungry?” Titus asked.

She put her hand on her stomach. “It’s Copyright 2016 - 2024