The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,20

eye to eye on things, but as long as we’re civil, we’ll get through this without killing each other.”

The golden hint of wolfen glow lit his eyes. “I promise, what’s on my mind isn’t murder.”

She straightened at the feral tone of his voice. “Titus. You can’t say things like that to me. Being under this spell is hard enough without comments like that. I do have feelings, you know.”

Feelings she was struggling to control. Maybe she should kiss him and get it over with. Prove to herself that the spell was causing all these thoughts, that there was nothing truly physical or chemical happening between them. Because a love spell might make her want to kiss him, but it couldn’t create chemistry where there was none.

It was just magic. Plain and simple.

But what if it wasn’t? What if this magic had unleashed something that had already been inside her?

That was ridiculous. But just in case, she shelved the kiss idea. Now wasn’t the right time anyway. His eyes were already glowing.

And she had a pretty good idea of what that meant.

“What kind of feelings?” It wasn’t a question he should have asked, but his body was betraying him, his control was thin at best, and the woman in front of him radiated the kind of feminine strength that filled him with desire even when he wasn’t under a magic spell.

She shook her head, causing a few wisps of hair to swing free from her ponytail. “We shouldn’t have this conversation.”

“Why not? You think ignoring what’s going on between us is going to make it easier to bear?”

“Yep. Sure. Let’s go with that.”

“You’re lying to yourself if you really believe that.” Had her lower lip always been that full? “I thought valkyries were all about honor and truth.”

Her eyes narrowed at those words, the muscles in her jaw working. “Don’t push me, wolf. We are not friends. We never have been. We only barely managed to be polite to each other when your brother forced us to work together on the race. Anything I feel for you is because of this spell. That’s it.”

He rolled his shoulders like he was bored. “Still lying. Sad. I always thought your kind were such noble—”

“Fine.” She launched toward him, covering his mouth with hers in a move so fast she went from standing in front of him to pressed against him in a split second.

After a moment of shock, he closed his eyes. He wasn’t going to protest, if that’s what she was expecting. His hands found her hips easily. Like they’d been there a thousand times before. Like they’d be there again.

Her kiss was insistent. And maybe a little angry. She was trying to prove to him that there was nothing between them. He got that.

But once again, she was lying.

Desire had a scent, at least to his sensitive nose, and she was sending it out in waves. She wanted him, plain and simple.

The spell had created tiny little ignition points of need inside him. Now, the heady perfume radiating from her caused all those sparks to flare like Fourth of July fireworks, setting him ablaze.

A deep growl built in his throat, and he decided to show her just how much of a liar she was. He kissed her back. She was warm and willing and the most perfect combination of hard muscle and soft woman. He lost himself in the moment. In her.

His fingers dug into her hips, pulling her closer. A rumble spilled out of her, deep and throaty and needful. It spoke to his wolf. The beast lifted his head and took notice.

The woman who’d been off-limits was now well within bounds.

But Jenna was no woman he’d ever experienced before. Although he didn’t really remember any other woman besides Zoe. It had been too long.

This was a damn fine way to break that dry spell.

The thought made a laugh bubble up, breaking the kiss.

Jenna pulled back, flushed and looking like she’d just ridden through battle. He liked that look. It was wild and a little reckless but undeniably strong.

She heaved out a breath. “Why are you smiling?”

“Why aren’t you? That was pretty amazing.”

She shook her head. “It was just a kiss. To prove that there’s nothing between us. You can turn off that glow in your eyes now and settle down.”

“My wolf does what it wants.”

She made an amused face. “Right. Your wolf. Well, then, get him a rawhide and tell him to chill.”

“The creature inside me is a wild Copyright 2016 - 2024