The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,19

were handy like that. Finding out he’d built this place might have given her weak knees, as odd as that might be. “Oh, right.”

“Anyway, this is the garage.” He pushed the door wider with his hip and went down the steps.

She was right behind him when he flipped on the switch, and she understood why they couldn’t park in the garage.

He was using it as a woodworking shop.

The smell of lumber filled the space with a rich aroma. She blinked twice. “This is all yours? I mean, you’re making all this stuff?”

He nodded. “The rocking chair is for Aunt Birdie’s birthday. The rocking horse is for Hannah Rose.”

Oh, this was as bad as thinking he’d built the house. Maybe worse. He was handy. Not just ordinary handy, but the kind who made beautiful things. Useful things. She walked toward a small, gorgeous stand. She wasn’t sure what it would hold, a vase maybe? But the color and shine of the wood, combined with the scrolling pattern carved into it, made it hard to ignore. “This is really cool. Who’s it for?”

He set the crate down, opened the fridge, and started adding her bottles to one of the shelves. “Agnes Miller. She owns the Bell, Book & Candle.”

“I know the shop, of course, but I don’t think I’ve ever met her. What kind of wood is this? I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Katalox. I’d never worked with it before, but it’s what she requested. It’s very hard and very dense. Heavy too. Not easy stuff. But it’s what she wanted.”

“It’s really cool. It’s a stand, right? What’s it for?”

“To hold her crystal ball. In fact, I need to deliver it tomorrow since it’s done.”

That got Jenna’s mind working. “Is Agnes a witch, then? I think I knew that.”

He closed the refrigerator. “She is. And a pretty good one.”

“Maybe we could talk to her about our problem.”

“That might be stepping on Alice’s toes a bit.”

“Titus. We have been hexed. The more help we can get, the better. We can tell Agnes that Alice is working on it too. Never hurts to get a second opinion.”

He looked unconvinced. “I don’t know if that’s true where Alice is concerned. She can be…particular.”

“What if we haven’t heard anything from her by tomorrow when you go to see Agnes?”

“Fine. Then we can talk to her about what’s going on.” He shook his head. “Is this what you do to the perps you catch? Wear them down?”

She grinned. “Please, that was nothing.”

His expression went serious. “Listen, I have a favor to ask.”

He wanted something from her? She couldn’t imagine what it was. “Sure. I mean, we’re in this together. We have to get along. What’s up?”

“I really need to run tonight.”

“Okay, so run. Oh. Yeah. I’d have to go with you.” She shrugged. “I can run. You think I can’t keep up? I need to keep in shape for the 10K anyway. I’m the department’s anchor, you know.”

“I’m aware. But I’m not talking about that kind of run.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “And it’s not that I don’t think you can keep up.”

“You mean, like, a wolf run.”


“So? I can run through the woods just as well as on the street. What’s the problem?”

He frowned and looked altogether uncomfortable.

“Oh, for Odin’s eye, just spit it out.”

“You’re not a wolf, and I’ve never run with anyone who wasn’t.” He let go of his neck. “I don’t want to sound…selfish, but I either run with the pack or alone. And running with the pack isn’t like running with someone else. It’s hard to explain.”

Not to her it wasn’t. She crossed her arms. “You want me to keep my distance and let you do your wolfy thing.” She lifted one shoulder like it was no big deal, which it wasn’t. They both had to do whatever was necessary to keep the spell from getting the better of them.

“That doesn’t bother you?”

“No. Why should it? You’re a werewolf. I’m a valkyrie. We each have our things, right?”

He nodded. “Right. Thank you.” He turned like he was going back into the house, then stopped. “In the interest of full disclosure, because I feel like the only way we’re going to get through this is by being honest, the spell is definitely affecting me. But I’m doing everything I can not to let it change how I act toward you.”

She exhaled, suddenly aware she’d been holding her breath. “Same here. Thank you for saying that. I know we rarely see Copyright 2016 - 2024