The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,33

“Tis a small thing.”

“Ye were wearing a gold band around yer neck.”

She blinked. Then blinked again. “When?”

“Yesterday, afore ye went tae return the Trailblazer and this was nae the first discrepancy. There are other things that hae been amiss since ye gained the Trailblazer—”

“Well, now that I hae returned it, that should set everything tae rights.”

“I hope so. Did ye come straight back?”

“Because I had been running yer kingdom for so long, a thankless job, and had tae rescue ye as well, I decided tae take a vacation.” She took another bite of her meal.

Quentin said, “Where did you go?”

“I was invited tae Hearst Castle, tae a party in the year 1926. Och, it was lovely.” Her eyes went far away. “All the best people were there. He has agreed tae house some of my collection. Twas a verra good trip.”

Twenty-two - Kaitlyn

Day Four After Coming Home

We were lying all spread around on the floor in piles of bedding. I awoke first and watched Isla sleeping, her sweet breaths, in and out, sweaty forehead, chubby arm against my face, her little hand caught in my hair. Don’t move, don’t wake her, just breathe it in.

Archie’s leg shifted, knee in the back, also sweet in its puppy dog way. I went completely still but with a burst of energy he appeared above me, legs and arms, elbows and knees. “Mammy you wake?”

Zach chuckled from the pullout sofa. “Ugh, I think we’re all up now.”

Ben sat upright beside him. “Go beach, Archie?”

I laughed. “I don’t think we can do beach quite yet, we need to get breakfast first and let me talk to security.”

Zach climbed from bed, groaning, the springs of the pullout couch making a ton of racket, and went to the kitchen to begin fiddling with the coffee maker. I climbed over a deeply sleeping Hayley and went out the sliding door. Fraoch was on the deck talking with Hammond.

“Good Morning, Fraoch, good morning, Hammond. Magnus will be back today?”

“Yes, Your Highness, he had some duties, I believe it was to take him at least two weeks, but he will be back today.”

“The kingdom is at peace, right? It’s fine — I’m not worried?”

He shook his head. “I am not to worry you, but there are a great many things to handle. King Magnus is not in any direct danger though.”

“Good, I’m glad. Look, I’m going to make sure the coffee is ready. I’ll send some out. Let me know if you need anything and just… thank you, Hammond, it means so much to have you here.”

Beaty draped blankets across the deck in a tent system that took her an hour to set up. Archie and Ben excitedly moved toys and books and stuffed animals into it and then as soon as she was finished they were bored and it took another hour to clean it up again.

Archie and I cleaned and oiled the saddles. He ‘taught’ me how to do it with a self-importance that reminded me a lot of what he would grow up to someday. Magnus’s son — a future king.

“Mammy, put oil on the rag like this.” He poured out a dollop and showed me how to rub it round and around. I allowed myself to be taught though I had done this many times before. This was the kind of work he needed to do, we needed to do, while we waited.

And we waited.

We didn’t take the horses for a ride. Our mission was to stay near the house, ready for Magnus’s return.

We puttered around.

I followed Isla everywhere and was her everything and the best part was she was mine too.

And though I was sad that Magnus had to go away, I also had a sunshiny feeling — he was coming back. There were things to do, but he wasn’t in danger. This was good, I needed good. I needed Magnus.

I was so grateful for him, that he went away to deal with the kingdom, leaving me here to do the work of motherhood, winning the hearts and minds of the bairn. It wouldn’t be for long, mere hours, and I had a safe space and was filling it with love and family.

He should be here too, but how lovely that he left to make it safe for me.

Morning nap time for Isla came around and she crawled into my lap and spider monkeyed my chest and slept there. Like I was mammy and there wasn’t a question at all.


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